Improperly disposed prescription drugs are polluting drinking water and harming marine life. Learn how officials plan to promote safe drug disposal practices to prevent further pollution.
Prescription drugs are polluting drinking. Researchers at the School of Freshwater Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukeefoundtraces of medicine in the water near wastewater plants in Milwaukee. The School of Freshwater Sciences discovered that water samples two miles away from water treatment facilities were contaminated.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Dr. Rebecca Klaper,studiedhow new contaminants in the water system negatively impact the ecosystem and animal life. Her team has found medications like opioids, antidepressants and diabetes medicine in water samples. In addition to presenting water purification issues, some of these drugs can affect fish development and reproduction.
Milwaukee’s Drinking Water in Jeopardy
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has promotedprescription drug disposalawareness aimed at keeping drugs out of our water systems. In addition, the World Health Organization offersmany effective waysto remove pharmaceuticals and other contaminants from drinking water. Their recommendations include:
- Biofiltration
- Reverse osmosis
- Ozonation
- Advanced oxidation
- Free chlorine
- Nanofiltration
One issue is that pharmaceutical drugs vary in form and chemical makeup, and they may not be detected by wastewater analysis systems. Drugs are sometimes found by researchers in marine life or detected by other means.
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Opioids and Antidepressants Found in Shellfish
In 2017,researchers foundthat drug pollution had escalated to the point where marine life was testing positive for opioids and other substances. In the study by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, mussels from 18 different locations were put in the water and then later retrieved. Mussels in three different locations tested positive from oxycodone. The runoff from wastewater plants is the likely source of this contamination.
For the sake of marine life and water systems, it is important to dispose of old prescription drugs properly. There are many guidelines that detailhow to dispose of prescription drugs safely.
How to Dispose of Prescription Drugs
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) updated itsDisposal Actin 2018 to help people understand their options for pharmaceutical drug disposal. According to the DEA, there are a few ways to dispose of drugs:
- Prescription drop-off locations:People can access the DEA’sonline databaseto find information on where to dispose of prescription drugs through safe disposal sites. Prescription drug disposal locations can frequently be found at law enforcement offices or public health buildings.
- Pharmacy take-back programs:Regular eventsare sponsored by the CDC and other organizations to encourage safe disposal of medications.
People can dispose of someone else’s drugs on their behalf only if they are a member of their household. In addition, mail-back packages can be used if someone lives in a rural area that has no other official disposal procedures.
Efforts to Make Prescription Drug Disposal Easier and Safer
Safe prescription drug disposal is an important way to prevent environmental contamination anddeter illicit drug distribution. From drug take-back programs to posting information online, officials have made efforts to make the safe disposal of drugs easier. These efforts are an important step to maintaining the safety of our water supply and the health of marine life.