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Novato, CA Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers

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The Recovery Village Ridgefield

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Last Updated: 09/12/2024

Novato Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources

Novato, California is part of the San Francisco Bay Area in Marin County. The population is about 56,000, and the area has a rich history that dates back to the Coast Miwok tribe. There is plenty to see and do in Novato. Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy bird watching, hiking and mushroom foraging. You can learn about local airfield history and enjoy art at a variety of museums. On sunny days, wander down to the beach and have a picnic while watching the calming waves.

While Marin County is a beautiful place known for its unique outdoor and cultural options, drug abuse is present in the area. In recent years, Novato law enforcement has seizedheroin,methand illegally manufactured hash oil. In response to the opioid epidemic that is sweeping the nation, Marin County Police now carryNarcan, a nasal spray that is an antidote to opioid overdose.

Prevention is an integral part of the problem, but it only addresses part of the issue. If you struggle with substance misuse, know that there is hope for you. If you’d like to change your life, there are rehab centers that can guide you toward recovery.

Finding Help in Novato

Going to a drug and alcohol rehab is the beginning of your recovery journey. You learn a lot about yourself and your substance use disorder. A holistic approach ensures that both your physical and emotional questions are addressed at the same time. Many rehab programs include family therapy, which is an excellent time for you to resolve any issues with your loved ones. These programs teach you important life skills that enable you to strive towards a sober lifestyle.

Detox Centers

You must complete detox under the supervision of professionals. If you want to stop using substances, it’s important that you don’t try to do it on your own. Your body and mind react in many different ways when you change your substance use habits, some of which can be life threatening. The best thing to do is to attend a detox center. Atdrug detoxcenters, professionals keep an eye on your physical and mental detox symptoms throughout the process. This ensures your safety and keeps you on the right track. When you finish detox, you’ll head to a rehab center where you can begin your recovery.

There are manydrug rehabsin the U.S. offering benefits for people who struggle with addiction, and their families.

Your Insurance May Cover Rehab

Most insurance companies will cover the cost of professional addiction treatment. Depending on your plan, treatment could be free. Use our confidential tool to see if we are in-network with your provider and receive a detailed breakdown of your benefits – free of charge!

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