Both Adderall and speed are addictive, but Adderall can help people who need it for a mental health condition. Speed is stronger and more dangerous than Adderall.
It’s become so culturally acceptable to use Adderall as a prescription drug in the U.S. that people tend to forget the dangers and similarities it can have to illicit street drugs like speed. Is Adderall speed? If it’s not, what are the differences between them?
Article at a Glance:
- Adderall is aScheduled II druggenerically known as amphetamine mixed salts and commonly prescribed by doctors for ADHD.
- Adderall is like speed (a form of the illicit substance known asmethamphetamine or meth), but they’re not the same thing.
- Both are addictive and have the potential for physical dependence, but this risk is higher with meth.
- Adderall dependencedevelops gradually over time, but with meth, many users report being hooked after trying it only once.
Is Adderall the Same Thing as Speed?
First, for people wondering if Adderall is speed: No, not exactly. Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, and a brand name for a prescription drug. Speed is a blanket term that can refer to amphetamines, but most often is associated with methamphetamine (or meth).
Adderall vs. Speed
Both are Stimulants
Adderall and speed do have similarities, including the fact that they are both stimulants. Stimulants lead tosimilar side effectswhen misused, such as a euphoric mood and sense of well-being, decreased appetite, increased blood pressure, and high energy levels. Both stimulants also have thepotential for addiction, and they can be harmful.
Meth Causes More Damage to the Body
Amphetamine is usually less harmful because it does not travel to the brain as easily as methamphetamine. This is the biggest difference between them, meth’s ability to cause brain damage as aneurotoxic drug. Meth is much more damaging to the body’s systems, including vital organs. Using it causes systemic damage to the body and is associated with heart and brain damage, aggression, and psychotic behavior.
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The Long-Term Consequences
Over time, amphetamine can haveserious health effects, but methamphetamine goes further and faster, with wide-ranging damage done to most of the user’s body. Its effects tend to last longer, so there is a significantly higher risk of addiction with methamphetamine.
To put it simply, speed is stronger, more addictive, and more dangerous than Adderall.
Meth is an Illicit Drug
Finally, since meth is generally taken illicitly after being purchased on the streets, it has risks associated with itsunchecked productionas well. The user often has no idea what other harmful substances are combined with their meth, what dosage they’re receiving, and how it could interact with their body.
In contrast, if Adderall is taken as prescribed by a doctor to treat a diagnosed medical condition, it is safer than speed.