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Does Alcoholism Run in Families?

A combination of genetic factors and the environment can impact the risk of alcoholism in your family. Learn why alcoholism tends to run in families.

Article at a Glance:

  • Alcoholism is often called a family disease because it can affect an entire family and runs in families.
  • The interaction between alcoholism and genetics can explain why the condition runs in families.
  • According to recent research, genetics are responsible forabout 50%of a person’s risk of developing alcohol use disorder.
  • Environmental factors also cause alcoholism to run in families and contribute to children’s risk of substance use disorders.

Alcoholism & Genetics

Some underlying genetic issues can lead to alcoholism or increase the likelihood of drinking becoming a problem. Remember,research has shown that genetics are responsible for about 50%of the risk a person has for developing alcohol use disorder.

One of the genes that can play a role in alcoholism includes genetic components that impact alcohol metabolism. One particular genetic variation called the ALDH2*2 allelehas been shown to reduce the risk of alcoholism by ten times. This genetic variant is common in Asian populations and is thought to explain the lower risk of alcoholism in this group.

While alcoholism and genetics can explain why the condition runs in families, it’s important to realize this isn’t the only reason. It’s also not guaranteed, as about half of the risk is due to factors aside from genetics.

Why Alcoholism Runs in Families

One of the most common questions people have surrounding alcoholism is whether or not it’s genetic, and if so, what happens when alcoholism runs in the family.

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It’s difficult to directly answer the question of whether or not alcoholism and genetics go hand-in-hand. Alcoholism itself is a complicated disease, but there do seem to be genetic links involved.

For example, areview of 12 different adoption and twin studies foundthat genetics explain roughly 50% of alcohol use disorder developments, showing a strong link between alcoholism and genetics.

Additionalresearch has shown that alcoholism is more likelyamong individuals whose parents abuse alcohol, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that alcoholism and genetics are always to blame. For instance, parental alcohol abuse can be linked to other adverse circumstances, such asabuse, neglect and poverty. These difficult situations may lead children to use substances to cope. If their parents drink heavily, children may also feel that alcohol abuse is normal and acceptable, which places them at a higher risk of alcohol addiction.

Living with an Alcoholic Family Member

Alcoholismis frequently called a family disease, and this is for many complex reasons. Living with an alcoholic can have negative consequences for the entire family. The person addicted to alcohol may have unpleasantsymptoms when they drink:

  • Become so preoccupied with their addiction that they can’t dedicate time to their spouse and children
  • Act aggressive, dishonest or violent, making them difficult to get along with
  • Experience negative impacts on their finances, work, school and other commitments, which can impact the people close to the alcoholic

These environmental factors are only part of the full picture. The interaction between alcoholism and genetics can impact whether or not a family member also becomes an alcoholic.

The First Drink

While alcoholism itself is a legitimate medical conditionreferred to by cliniciansas an alcohol use disorder, it’s important to note that taking the first drink is a choice, particularly when alcoholism runs in the family. When someone decides to drink for the first time, particularly if alcoholism runs in their family, they are putting themselves at risk of becoming addicted.

One recentstudyeven found that male children who lived with alcoholic parents took their first drink of alcohol at younger ages compared to those without alcoholic parents. Taking their first drink earlier puts them at risk of future problems with alcohol.Research has shownthat those who begin drinking between the ages of 11 and 14 are significantly more likely to develop alcohol addictions than those who have their first drink at age 19 or later.

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Environmental Factors

Some of the reasons that alcoholism tends to run in families have nothing to do with genetics. Instead, it’s about the environment alcohol creates for children. A child living with an alcoholic parent may experience a chaotic, disruptive and even harmful environment, and this can contribute to the development of a substance use disorder. A parent who abuses alcohol may be prone to aggression, violence, psychological problems and financial difficulties, which can create a painful experience for children.

If you’re worried about what happens when alcoholism and your genetics interact, there are things you can do to reduce your risk. First, avoid underage drinking: not only is it illegal, but it’s also been shown to increase your chance of becoming an alcoholic. It’s important that as an adult, you drink moderately, if at all.Moderate drinking is defined asno more than two drinks per day for men and no more than one per day for women.

You can also speak with your doctor or a mental health care provider if you have concerns about the likelihood of becoming an alcoholic when alcoholism runs in the family. If you are seeking treatment for problem alcohol use in yourself or a loved one, The Recovery Village has locations across the country and is here to help.Contact ustoday to explore treatment options.

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Spatz Widom, Cathay and Hiller-Sturmhöfel, Susanne. “Alcohol Abuse as a Risk Factor for and C[…]ence of Child Abuse.” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Accessed July 17, 2021.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder.” April 2021. Accessed July 17, 2021.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Dietary Guidelines for Alcohol.” December 29, 2020. Accessed July 18, 2021.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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