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Alcohol Use Disorder: Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol is everywhere in our society, but it might be more dangerous than we realize. Most should not be drinking more than six drinks per week.

Alcoholis one of the most consumed substances in the world. According to theWorld Health Organization’s 2018 report, each person aged 15 and older in the world consumed, on average, 13.9 grams of alcohol each day. That equates to 6.4 liters consumed per person per year.

Some Statistics on Heavy Alcohol Use

Not only is alcohol one of the most consumed substances in the world, but it’s also one of the deadliest. Some troubling statistics related to alcohol misuse include:

The Risks of Drinking Too Much

Drinking too much alcohol can come with numerous consequences. However, an excess amount of alcohol consumption can differ for each person, depending on factors such as gender, age, height and weight. Understanding the effects of drinking alcohol, knowing how much is too much and recognizing the signs of a potential dependency are important for adults and teenagers.

What happens when people drink too much? Aside from being intoxicated, there are quite a few health risks that can occur from drinking too much alcohol.

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Some of the health risks that people who consume a lot of alcohol might face include:

  • Immune system issues —Drinking too much alcohol can drop the white blood cell count because the substance blocks the body’s production of white blood cells and traps them in the spleen. This change in the blood cell count can increase the risk of infections and illnesses, including pneumonia and HIV.
  • Pancreatitis —This disease is characterized by the inflammation of the pancreas and can occur due to exposure of the pancreas to acetaldehydes and the activation of proenzymes to pancreatic enzymes.
  • Liver disease —This risk increases because the body metabolizes alcohol in the liver. Once metabolized, alcohol becomes acetaldehyde, a toxic substance. Drinking too much alcohol can result in the liver being less effective in metabolizing fats, resulting in an excess of fat building up in the organ. Other effects that alcohol has on the liver include long-term inflammation and scarring.
  • Physical injuries —Since alcohol can impair vision, balance, reaction time and decision-making skills, heavy consumption of the substance can cause motor vehicle accidents or other situations where an injury could occur. Alcohol consumption has even been linked to suicides and accidental deaths, such as drowning and severe head injuries.
  • Brain damage —Intoxication effects can include blurry vision, memory loss and difficulty walking or maintaining balance. Alcohol can cause permanent changes to a person’s central nervous system and can impact how well someone processes information.
  • Malnourishment and vitamin deficiencies —Alcohol decrease the absorption of vitamins and nutrients that are needed to convert food into energy. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to a low amount of vitamins in the body and contribute to nutritional deficiencies, such as thiamine deficiency.
  • Cancer —Consuming a large amount of alcohol can increase the risk of many types of cancer, including mouth, stomach, liver, colon and breast cancer. These diseases occur due to the presence of alcohol and acetaldehydes, which can damage DNA and prevent cells from repairing internal damage. Acetaldehyde also causes liver cells to grow faster, which can lead to the new cells picking up genetic changes that can lead to cancer.
  • Osteoporosis —Causing a loss of bone mass, osteoporosis can lead to a higher-than-average number of broken bones, which may cause long-term injuries to the back or legs. Alcohol also can impact the balance of calcium, vitamin D production and cortisol levels, which in turn could further weaken a person’s bone structure.

Not only does consuming a lot of alcohol pose physical risks, but it can also ruin relationships with family members, friends and co-workers. Drinking too much alcohol can alter a person’s mood and personality, and it can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. Additionally, drinking a consistent amount of alcohol, like many illicit and prescription drugs, can cause physical dependence and lead to an addiction. When this happens, the body is reliant on the substance for proper functioning, and the absence of alcohol can lead to shaking, nausea and other symptoms.

However, consuming alcohol is quite popular because of the good feelings that people experience when they drink. Many people become more social and friendly because they feel more confident. The impaired effects that alcohol often has on a person’s mind and personality can make it psychologically addictive because people enjoy how they feel when they are drunk. This psychological dependence is in addition to the physical dependence that forms from consistent consumption.

How Do I Know If I Drink Too Much?

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that impairs a person’s vision, motor skills, mood and decision-making. It’s possible to drink too much in one instance and not realize it, as alcohol can make people feel good about themselves or experience a spike in energy.

However, there are some signs to look for when someone asks if they drink too much. There are several signs to help recognize and identify a potential alcohol addiction:

  • Someone is unable to stick to limits on the number of drinks they set for themselves before they started drinking.
  • A friend, family member or doctor makes a comment about a person’s level of drinking.
  • The majority of a person’s social interactions involve drinking alcohol.
  • Consuming alcohol is one of the top ways someone relieves stress.

The number of days in a week that a person drinks alcohol is not automatically indicative of whether or not they drink too much. Some people might casually drink four times per week, while others might drink only twice, but do so in a psychologically or physically damaging way, such as drinking an excessive amount or doing so out of necessity to remove stress. Recognizing the reasons that someone drinks, along with how many drinks they intake in one day or week, is more indicative of whether or not that person has analcohol use disorder.

How Many Drinks Are Too Many?

Many people wonder how much is too much when it comes to drinking.According to PBS, a multinational study analyzed the drinking habits and physical health of 600,000 people. The researchers found that people who drank more than 100 grams of alcohol per week were more at risk of suffering a stroke, heart failure or heart disease. Six glasses of wine are nearly equivalent to 100 grams of alcohol.

However, there is no exact answer for every person. Physical attributes and genetics play a factor in how much alcohol consumption is considered excessive and dangerous. Since each person is unique, they have different tolerance levels. Additionally, a person’s diet can determine how much of an affect alcohol consumption has on the transformation of vitamins into energy-creating nutrients.

Even though alcohol consumption is legal, the substance can still be harmful, even deadly. If you or someone you know drinks alcohol regularly and often relies on the substance to remove stress or needs it to have fun, they could have a substance use disorder. Alcohol addiction has affected millions of lives, but help is available.

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MedlinePlus. “Alcohol Withdrawal: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.” Medlineplus.Gov, 10 Jan. 2019. Accessed October 20, 2019.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). “Alcohol Facts and Statistics.” Aug. 2018. Accessed October 20, 2019.

National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Researchers Identify Alcoholism Subtypes.” 9 July 2007. Accessed October 20, 2019.

National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2018. “Results from the 2018 National Survey[…] Detailed Tables.” Samhsa.Gov, 2018. Accessed October 20, 2019.

PBS News Hour. “How Much Alcohol Is Too Much? A New S[…]Found the Number.” PBS NewsHour, 12 Apr. 2018. Accessed October 20, 2019.

World Health Organization. “Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018.” Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, 2018. Accessed October 20, 2019.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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