No one wants to lose the love and trust of someone they care about over something preventable. An alcohol use disorder, however, could quickly ruin a relationship.
People drink alcohol for many reasons. You may drink because you think it is fun, as an escape from stress or even to relieve other physical symptoms such as chronic pain. However, drinking excessively or too often can have consequences, including damaged relationships.
No one wants to lose the love and trust of someone they care about over something preventable. Analcohol use disorder, however, could quickly ruin your relationship. This might be difficult to see if you are the one with analcohol addiction. If you are unsure, here are a few signs that might be cause for concern.
Alcohol Is More Important Than Your Relationship
You probably believe that your significant other is more important than any substance, but you might have an alcohol use disorder if your actions prove otherwise.Alcohol abuseaffects the body and the mind, and the person suffering is often the last to realize the extent of the damage being done.
Even if you have a powerful connection with the person you love, this can be diminished by a strong need and desire to drink. Have you forgotten important dates because of drinking? Are there times that you have had to cancel plans because of a severe hangover? These are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself.
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You Become a Different Person When You Drink
Your significant other fell in love with a certain person, but you might become someone else entirely when you drink alcohol. Maybe alcohol is a social lubricant for you, but its effects have been magnified in the recent past.
Each person has a different response to alcohol, but yours may not make your partner comfortable. Maybe you become overly aggressive or withdrawn when you drink. You might become too emotional or even inappropriate in public. These are all causes for concern in a relationship.
You Are Not Honest About Your Drinking
Are you hiding how much and how often you drink from your partner? If so, drinking has become a significant factor in your relationship. Just ask yourself why you feel the need to be dishonest about your drinking. Successful relationships are built on a foundation of honesty and trust, and any type of secrecy is a red flag.
You Have Stopped Doing Certain Things in Favor of Drinking
Do you increasingly choose to drink over other things that you used to enjoy with your significant other? You may want to examine your motives for making these choices. Relationships that are built around substance use are not healthy.
Partners should have some activities that they enjoy doing together, and you should have some other healthy outlets, whether they are solo or as a couple. If drinking is the focal point of every activity, alcohol addiction is a concern.
Your Sex Drive Has Changed Drastically
Some people place more importance on sex than others, but this is still an important element of a thriving romantic relationship. If your drinking is causing you to pass out, blackout or get sick, this is going to put a damper on intimate activities.
Drinking can not only take away the time and desire for sex, but it can also lead tosexual dysfunction. If sex has completely left your relationship due to alcohol misuse, there is a chance that your partner will not be far behind.
Get Help For An Alcohol Use Disorder
Are you wondering, “Am I an Alcoholic?” Know that most people who are casual drinkers do not ask this question. Common signs include being unable to control your drinking or lacking the ability to stop or reduce your alcohol intake. An alcohol use disorder is also characterized by negative consequences, such as failed or troubled relationships with loved ones.
While you can self-diagnose this disorder, it is difficult to recover without help. The Recovery Village specializes in helping people with alcohol addiction make it safely through alcohol detox and then gain the skills and resources necessary to live a fulfilling life without alcohol.
Contact usnow to speak with an admission specialist about treatment options.