An addiction to alcohol, porn or both can harm your mental and physical health and strain your relationships.
Alcohol addictionis a major problem in the United States today. However, many Americans also struggle withalcohol use disorderand otherbehavioral health conditions, like process addictions. Although it is not yet included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, porn addiction is considered a type ofprocess addiction.
Some doctors think thatpornography, or porn, consumption can be addictive. Although doctors are not sure of the exact mechanism of porn addiction,some doctorsthink that porn use may trigger the brain’s reward system similar to how drug and alcohol use induce pleasurable sensations. In turn, this activation may lead to the development of an addiction to porn, just like it does with alcohol and drugs.
Article at a Glance:
Alcohol abuseis a common problem
Some doctors believe that porn use can be addictive, however, it is not thought to be an addiction by either the American Psychiatric Association or the WHO
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Having a negative mood is a risk factor for bothalcoholismand porn addiction
Alcohol abuse and porn addiction can both harm relationships
Therapy may help with porn addiction, while alcohol addiction can be successfully treated with detox andalcohol rehab
The Relationship Between Alcohol and Porn
Medical professionals understand that some people have problems stopping porn use, similar to how they may have problemsstopping alcohol use.
However, the American Psychiatric Association, a group that helps doctors diagnose and treat mental health disorders,does not recognize porn addictionat this time. Similarly, the World Health Organization (WHO)does not currently recognizeporn addiction. However, both of those groups recognize alcohol addiction and the WHO recognizes the much broader category of compulsive sexual behavior disorder.
At least one of these risk factors of porn addiction ismood problemsincluding a negative mood — is also arisk factor for alcohol abuse. However, doctors still need to do more research to learn more about any other links between alcohol and porn addiction.
Dangers of Alcohol and Porn
One of the main dangers that alcohol and porn addiction share is that they can harm relationships. Studies have shown that people with compulsive sexual problems like porn addiction havelower general sexual desirethan most people.
Therefore, people with porn addiction may crave porn instead of sex with their partner.Doctors thinkthat the thrilling nature of porn may harm the brain’s natural reward system, making regular sex seem less interesting by comparison. In turn, thismay harmtheir partner’s self-esteem.
Heavy alcohol usecan harm relationships, too. About10%of children live with a parent who struggles with alcohol. Further, in marriages whereone partner drinks heavily, the divorce rate isnearly 50%, according to a nine-year study.
Similarities Between Alcohol and Porn Addiction
Addiction to alcoholand behaviors like watching porn have somesimilarities:
- Difficulty controlling a desire to drink or watch porn
- Neglecting other areas of life that do not involve alcohol or porn
- Continuing to drink or watch porn despite the knowledge that it is harmful
One researcherhas found that brain scans of people with porn addictions watching porn is similar tobrain scansof alcoholics watching ads for alcohol. However, more research is needed.
Alcohol and Porn Addiction Statistics
When surveyed, approximately7 percentof Americans had problems withheavy alcohol usein the past month, according to data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Similarly, researchers believe that hypersexual disorders, including porn addiction, affectup to six percentof Americans. In one survey from The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, aboutnine percentof people who watch porn have said they have had a problem trying to stop their porn use.
However, because there are currently no criteria to diagnose a porn addiction, it is hard to be certain of the exact number. Likewise, there is no reliable data on how often someone who struggles with alcohol use is also addicted to porn.
Related Topic:Pornography and depression
Alcohol and Porn Addiction Treatment
Some studieshave shown that people who can quit porn can recover, in whole or in part, and regain normal sexual desire and functioning.
There are currently no drugs that are regularly used totreat porn addiction, however,some doctors thinkthat therapy can be useful.Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, can be useful for anyone who struggles with porn addiction or alcohol addiction.
Alcohol addiction is successfully treated with medicalalcohol detoxand addiction treatment programs likeinpatient andoutpatient care.
Treatment for Co-Occurring Porn and Alcohol Addictions
However, porn addiction and substance abusecan occur together. The same, or similar, treatment modalities may address alcohol abuse, porn addiction or both conditions simultaneously. When someone struggles with both an alcohol and a porn addiction, they haveco-occurring disorders.
Treatment for co-occurring alcohol and porn addictions may include:
- Variousmental health and addiction therapies
- Individual and group therapy
- Intensive therapy
- Substance abuse counseling
- Addiction treatmentat a rehab center
If you struggle with alcohol abuse with or without porn addiction, help is available. Our trained professionals at The Recovery Village are here to assist you in your goal of a better life, without alcohol and porn.Contactus today to learn more.