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What Happens When You Stop Drinking?

When I got sober from alcohol, my body went through several different changes. I was surprised to find some were more enjoyable than others.

When you make the decision tostop abusing alcohol, you might not think about what happens afterward. You can imagine it might be scary, new, and different, but what kind of physical and psychological changes does your body actually go through? When I got sober, my body went through several different changes, and I was surprised to find some were more enjoyable than others. One thing is for sure; you won’t be the same person once youstop drinking.

Physical Changes

When I quit drinking, my body experienced some physical changes that went beyondwithdrawal symptomsyou normally hear about when you stop drug and alcohol use. As your body resets, you can expect some or all of these changes.

Weight Gain/Weight Loss

When I got sober, I was skinny for my height and body type. Eating was not a top priority for me when drinking and using, so when I stopped, I gained weight. It took me a while to learn about healthy nutrition and incorporate this into my new life. I often craved new tastes like sweets and sugar. The goal is to find a balance between healthy eating and exercise.

Sharpened Senses

Another big change I noticed when I got sober was the increased sharpness of my senses. I was able to smell, hear and see a lot more clearly. I never thought this would be a result of sobriety, but I realize now that the alcohol numbed most of my emotions and senses. I was able to breathe clearer, inhale deeper and listen more intently.

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Enhanced Emotions

You may be emotional when you stop drinking; it’s par for the course. In early sobriety, my emotions were all over the place. When we’re used to suppressing our emotions with alcohol, we don’t realize how powerful they can be. Although this can be overwhelming at first, it’s actually a beautiful thing. You’ll also learn how to properly navigate your emotions in a healthy way in recovery.

Consistent Sleep Patterns

Another great result of sobriety is better sleep. Once you stop drinking, you may have more time to sleep, and you can get on a normal sleep pattern. Alcohol reduces REM sleep.REM sleepis the restorative sleep stage in which people dream. The more disruptions we experience in REM, the more tired and unrested we feel. Sleeping became restful for me. I enjoyed waking up in the morning, ready to take on the day.

Less Common Colds

There’s no doubt about it;alcohol lowers your immune system. When I called in sick to work during my drinking years, many times, it was legitimate because I would get a number of colds throughout the year. Being in recovery, I am sick less often. My immune system works better at protecting my body from bacteria and germs.

Mental Changes

The other area where you will experience change is mentally and spiritually. Your head will clear, and the fog you’ve been living under during your drinking days will eventually lift.

Improved Memory

After a few months of sobriety, I noticed that my memory became sharper. I was able to remember certain dates, times, appointments and commitments much better than when I had been drinking. Decision-making became easier for me. I wasn’t overwhelmed by life’s simple obstacles, and I was able to make the right choices in the right situations. That’s not to say I never made any mistakes, but I was able to learn from them, pick myself back up and try again.

Healthy coping mechanisms

When I drank, I always felt like the world was out to get me and that life was unfair. In sobriety, I have grown to understand that nothing is personal, and the world is not out to get me.

Sobriety has taught me healthy coping mechanisms and how to deal with life on life’s terms. I no longer feel like I am standing still in a crowded city while cars and people whiz by me. I have learned how to establish myself with core values and become a functional member of society. Spiritually, I feel plugged into life. I’m connected to the universe and my inner guide, and I have recovery to thank for that.

Sobriety offers up a lot of changes. In fact, it changes your entire world. Don’t let any of these mental or physical changes scare you because, in the end, it’s all worth it.

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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol and the Immune System.” Accessed October 22, 2021.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. “Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep.” August 13, 2019. Accessed October 22, 2021.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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