Learn about the alumni services at The Recovery Village and further engage with those who are in need of continued support for recovery.
The Recovery Village provides alumni services as part of each client’s individualized aftercare plan. Alumni services, including The Recovery Village Alumni Group, are available to all clients who have completed one of our treatment programs.The only requirement is a willingness to join and participate.
Alumni services, including alumni groups, have been shown to increase the chances for a sustained recovery after discharge from treatment for substance abuse. More than just a safety net, maintaining therapeutic contacts and continuing to develop positive social supports are effective ways to live and enjoy a life free from drugs or alcohol.
Alumni services include:
- Complete aftercare plan individualized for each client
- Regular telephone follow up
- Coordinated Alumni Group Events
- PrivateSocial Media Group
- Participation as an Alumni in The Recovery Village group meetings
- On-call support
The Recovery Village alumni success stories
The Recovery Village alumni Group
The Recovery Village Alumni Group is staff supported but alumni run, and reflects the changing personality and creativity of those in recovery. Our Alumni Group is an effective blend of socialization and support.
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Whether you are struggling with addiction, mental health or both, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t wait— reach out today to take the first step toward taking control of your life.
Sober living outings (including those just for alumni, as well as group outings with family and significant others) are an important part of the socialization process. This includes picnics, hikes, concerts and other healthy entertainment venues. Support features includestaff-led relapse prevention programs. Alumni groups are also an excellent place to share the joys and fears of the recovery journey, and to provide both peer accountability and shared commemoration of recovery milestones.
Close friendships and support systems are often created during residential treatment at The Recovery Village. Our Alumni Group fosters and maintains these important relationships. Close social ties are an important part of an effective relapse plan.