A person with depression who regularly uses Ambien can experience a worsening of depressive feelings.
Ambien, the brand name of zolpidem, is a sedative designed to treatsleep disorderslikeinsomnia. Many people who experience sleep disorders also deal with stress, anxiety or depression.
However, the drug can affect the central nervous system and lead to memory loss, concentration problems, dependence andAmbien addiction. The medication can also increase a person’s chances of experiencinganxietyordepression.
Can Ambien Cause Depression?
Does Ambien cause depression?The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) says it can. The federal agency states that Ambien can cause depression in individuals who haven’t before experienced it. In people who have a history of depression, Ambien can cause it to worsen.
A person with depression who regularly uses Ambien can experience a worsening of depressive feelings, which can affect their health, job and relationships. These individuals can also develop an addiction. A substance use disorder can lead to compulsive, drug-seeking behavior despite knowing the health, social and legal consequences. Ambien does not cure anxiety. However, the FDA suggests that Ambien can produce or exacerbate anxiety. Many people withsleep problemscaused by anxiety turn to sedatives like Ambien, but these drugs can prolonge thismental healthproblem.
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Ambien and Suicide: Link Between Ambien and Suicide
Does Ambien cause suicidal thoughts?The link between Ambien and suicide is one that’s mostly anecdotal, as few studies have examined this relationship. However, the FDA states that sedatives can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts in people with a history of depression.
Ambien has also shown to cause suicidal ideations in those without a known mental illness. A 2013 study published in theDARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciencesexamined a case report of a 27-year-old man with no psychological disorders who experienced suicidal thoughts after using 20 milligrams of Ambien. Researchers suggested that a link could exist between Ambien use and dangerous mental health behaviors.
When prescribed Ambien, people should present their complete medical history — including any instances ofmental healthproblems — to their physician. Patients who use Ambien should also carefully monitor how they’re feeling. They should let their doctor know about any unusual thoughts or behaviors while using the drug.
Treatment Options for Depression and Ambien Abuse
Many people with co-occurring disorders, including those involving depression and Ambien abuse, improve their symptoms by attending rehab. Completing addiction treatment has shown to increase a person’s chances of entering recovery.
Cognitive behavioral therapyis a psychotherapyapproach that has helped people with mental illness who are also addicted to sedatives learn ways to better manage their symptoms. A2014 study published in JSM Clinical Case Reportsfound that cognitive behavioral therapy can help people taper off Ambien.
Co-occurring disorders should be treated simultaneously.Treating Ambien addictionwithout addressingdepression can lead to a recurrence of substance use, as the patient might be tempted to use sedatives to cope with negative feelings. Receiving treatment for both disorders can increase a person’s chances of sustaining their sobriety after rehab.
Key Points: Ambien Use and Depression
- Ambien can produce or increase anxiety and depression
- Research has linked Ambien use with the presence of suicidal thoughts
- Ambien abuse can increase a person’s risk of developing an addiction
- Treatment can help people manage symptoms of an Ambien addiction and depression
Individuals who suspect that they might be addicted to Ambien can takeThe Recovery Village®’s Ambien addiction self-assessmentto learn more about their use of the sedative. The results of the assessment are confidential and will be emailed to the individual upon completion.
If you or someone you know experiences an Ambien use disorder and depression,contact The Recovery Village®. An admissions representative can talk to you about the importance of treatment and how it can help you cope with co-occurring disorders.