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How Long Do Amphetamines Stay in Your System?

People may benefit from taking amphetamines as prescribed, but some people abuse these medications. Urine and hair samples can reveal this abuse long after the last dose.

Amphetamines areprescription medicationsthat stimulate the central nervous system. They are most often used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. How long they last inside the body depends on several factors, including age, weight, dosage and more.

How Long Do Amphetamines Stay In The Urine, Hair and Blood?

People who have beenabusing amphetaminesoften wonder how long these drugs stay in their systems. If you’ve quit taking amphetamines or are considering discontinuing your use, it is important to consult with a doctor to determine the best process for giving up these drugs, as you may experience withdrawal. A doctor can recommend a tapering process or refer you to treatment to help you managewithdrawal.

Once people have completely discontinued using the amphetamines, they normally want to know how long it will take for the drugs to be removed from their systems. Naturally, the process of elimination from the body varies slightly from person to person.

Experts have provided guidelines regarding how long amphetamines stay in the urine, hair and blood. These guidelines are averages and can change from person to person. They are asfollows:

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  • Blood:Up to 46 hours
  • Urine:Up to2-3 days
  • Hair:Up to three months

Average Peak Levels And Half-Life Of Amphetamines

Thepeak effectsof amphetamines occur 1 to 3 hours after a person takes them by mouth, and effects last for as long as 7 to 12 hours. According toJohns Hopkins Medicine, the half-life for the popular amphetamine Adderall is 9 hours for the immediate-release version and 10-13 hours for its extended-release version.

Factors that Influence How Long Amphetamines Stay in Your System

Severalfactorsplay a role in how long amphetamines linger inside the body. The most influential factors to consider when coming off stimulants are:

  • Age: Age plays a dynamic role in organ function as well as metabolism rates. The younger a person is, the faster their metabolism is usually going to be and the better their normal organ functions will be. The older someone is, the less likely they are to have a fast and fully-functioning metabolism and organ function. Therefore, age is a huge factor in how quickly someone can eliminate toxins from his or her body.
  • Body composition: We must look at height, weight and fat content in comparison to the dosage amounts someone has been taking. If they have been taking amounts disproportionately to these factors, their elimination process will vary significantly from someone who is within average proportions.
  • Genetics: Addiction is often a function of genetic makeup. Genetics also dictate a person’s body type and metabolism. A person’s body type and genetic makeup will affect how someone is able to process stimulants through their system.
  • Function of the Kidney & Liver:A person with a dysfunctional liver or kidney is going to have a harder time eliminating toxins from amphetamines than someone with a healthy, fully-functioning liver and kidney. Those organs are essential for elimination and thus will affect clearance timeframes.
  • Metabolism: While diet, supplements and fitness can affect someone’s metabolic rates, the rule of thumb is that the higher a person’s metabolism, the faster they will be able to process and excrete drugs, food and other liquids.
  • Frequency of use:The frequency at which someone is using amphetamines and the amount they are using will greatly affect how quickly they will be removed from the system. If someone is a heavy user, they will take longer to rid their body of a drug than someone who only took a single dose one time.

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Managing Withdrawal Symptoms of Amphetamines

Understanding how long amphetamines stay in the body is helpful; however, knowledge alone will not prevent withdrawal symptoms and is often not enough to break the cycle of addiction to stimulants. Some of amphetamine withdrawal symptoms to be aware ofare:

  • Depressionor low mood
  • Lack of energy
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive Sleepiness
  • Lethargy

People can benefit from undergoing a detox program, where staff can monitor symptoms and mood as they withdraw from amphetamines and cleanse their bodies of these substances. Experts report that some people may benefit from antidepressant medications as they complete the withdrawal process. 

If you or a loved one is ready to remove amphetamines from your system and overcome addiction to these drugs, The Recovery Village is here to help. We offer a range of services, including detox programs. Contact us today to begin your journey.

  • Visit the following websites to learn about The Recovery Village’s network of rehabilitation facilities. Call today for admissions. Each center is ready to help people learn how to cope with their Ambien addiction and uncover the root causes for their substance use disorder.
  • Orlando Recovery Center: A premier rehabilitation facility in Orlando, Florida that helps individuals recover from addiction and substance use disorders. The center also offers the opportunity to treat co-occurring disorders.
  • The Recovery Village Columbus: Located in Ohio,this facility provides inpatient, outpatient and aftercare treatment for people looking to begin detox. The center provides individualized plans to help patients through recovery while addressing their unique co-occurring disorders or any setbacks that may happen during recovery.
  • The Recovery Village Palmer Lake:In Colorado, this facility offers inpatient, outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment for individuals looking to kick-start their journey to recovery.
  • The Recovery Village Ridgefield: Located right in southern Washington,this facility provides patients with outpatient and aftercare programs. Just 20 minutes outside of Portland, this facility assists individuals who are ready to begin treatment.
  • The Recovery Village: In Umatilla, Florida,this is a rehabilitation facility that provides resources for individuals seeking drug and alcohol treatment. There are inpatient, outpatient, intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization treatment programs available for those suffering from Ambien addiction.
  • IAFF Center of Excellence:Specializes in assisting firefighters who struggle with behavioral health problems and addiction. Members can enter the recovery process sooner so they can return back to work as quickly as possible. Inpatient, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs are all available at this facility, where patients can address their Ambien addiction in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Denver Mental Health & Counseling: Denver Mental Health and Counseling by The Recovery Village is a physician-led outpatient center specializing in evidence-based addiction and mental health treatments, offering services such as TMS, IOP, and personalized care for both ongoing and new patients, dedicated to fostering long-term recovery and overall well-being.
  • The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health: The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health is a premier physician-led treatment center in South Florida, offering a comprehensive spectrum of services from medical detox to outpatient programs for alcohol, drug, and co-occurring mental health conditions, with a commitment to rejuvenating lives, families, and communities, and facilitating same-day admissions.
  • The Recovery Village Atlanta: Located in Roswell just outside downtown Atlanta, is a 62-bed physician-led treatment facility offering a comprehensive range of services, from medical detox to outpatient care, specializing in alcohol, drug, and co-occurring mental health conditions, dedicated to transforming lives, families, and communities throughout Georgia.
  • The Recovery Village Kansas City: The Recovery Village Kansas City, an 80-bed facility in Raytown just 10 miles from downtown, offers a comprehensive range of evidence-based treatments for addiction and mental health conditions, overseen by physician leaders, and is dedicated to revitalizing lives, families, and communities throughout the Midwest.
  • The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper Health: The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper, situated just 20 minutes from Philadelphia, is a leading rehab facility in South Jersey providing comprehensive, evidence-based addiction and mental health treatments, ranging from medical detox to teletherapy, with a dedicated team committed to guiding adults on their path to lifelong recovery.

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O’Malley, Gerald; O’Malley, Rika. “Amphetamines.”>” Merck Manuals, May 2020. Accessed June 16, 2020. 

Piper, Brian; et al. “Trends in use of prescription stimulants[…]s, 2006-2016.” PLOS One, 2018. Accessed June 16, 2020. 

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Five million American adults misuse prescription stimulants.”>Five mil[…]n stimulants.” April 16, 2018. Accessed June 16, 2020. 

Australian Government Department of Health. “Pharmacology of amphetamines.” April 2004. Accessed June 16, 2020. 

Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Amphetamine.”>Amphetamine.” January 3, 2019. Accessed June 16, 2020. 

Hersh, Erica. “How long does Adderall stay in your syst[…] your system?” Healthline, October 3, 2019. Accessed June 16, 2020. 

Cox, D; Bowers, R; McBride, A. “Reboxetine may be helpful in the treatme[…]thdrawal.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, July 2004. Accessed June 16, 2020.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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