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Belbuca (Buprenorphine) Withdrawal And Detox

What Are Common Belbuca Withdrawal Symptoms?

Belbucais a brand-name medication, and the active ingredient is the partial opioid agonistbuprenorphine. Belbuca is a dissolvable film, placed on the lining of the cheek. Belbuca is approved to provide around-the-clock pain relief for people suffering from chronic, severe pain. Typically, buprenorphine is used as a way to treatopioid dependence and addiction, along with a comprehensive addiction treatment program. It’s similar to methadone and other drugs approved as medication-assisted treatment options. Since it’s a partial opioid agonist, rather than a full agonist, it can help prevent withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent people. It can also help reduce drug cravings and increase the likelihood of someone being successful in addiction treatment. While buprenorphine is used as a way to help with addiction treatment, it can have its ownside effectsas well. Buprenorphine can be addictive, and it can cause people to go through withdrawal when they stop using it. Withdrawal symptoms may be milder than with other opioids. Common Belbuca withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Body aches
  • Cramping
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Sweating
  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Opioid cravings

Belbuca Withdrawal Timeline And Symptom Duration

Certain factors play a role in how long theBelbuca withdrawal timelinemight last. For example, the length of time someone used Belbuca and whether they used it by prescription or misused it is relevant. The dosage someone used can determine the withdrawal timeline as well. For the most part, Belbuca withdrawal symptoms can start anywhere from 24 to 72 hours after the last dose is used. Withdrawal symptoms from Belbuca typically last for around ten days. Peak withdrawal symptoms usually occur within two to five days after the last dose of buprenorphine. Some people may experience ongoing withdrawal symptoms that last for months. These symptoms tend to be psychological, such as depression, anxiety or insomnia.

Managing Symptoms Of Belbuca Withdrawal

For people going through opioid withdrawal, including Belbuca withdrawal, symptoms aren’t typically fatal. However, the symptoms of Belbuca withdrawal can be uncomfortable and difficult to go through. Rather than stopping cold turkey or trying to go through Belbuca withdrawal without medical help, it’s usually recommended people seek professional help. A medical professional may advise patients to taper off Belbuca slowly, which can reduce or eliminate withdrawal symptoms. It’s not uncommon for people to experience recurrence of use after going through opioid detox, so that has to be addressed with professional help and guidance as well. Recurrence of use after detox is dangerous because people’s tolerance will have diminished, putting them at anincreased risk of overdose.

Belbuca Medications And Detox

Before someone can begin addiction treatment, they have to eliminate the substance from their system. A Belbuca medical detox is a good option, especially for heavy or long-term opioid takers. During a professional, medical detox, patients’ symptoms can be treated as necessary. For example, someone can be given sleep aids or other medicines that will help them be more comfortable as they detox. A medical detox includes the benefit and peace of mind of around-the-clock care and supervision as well. During a professional, medically-supervised detox, patients can also begin the intake process of addiction treatment. This is a time when the team will consider the mental and physical health of the individual, as well as the details of theiraddiction.

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How To Choose A Belbuca Center

With so many detox centers, how do you choose one that’s right for you? This is a common question people have. When choosing a Belbuca detox center, the facility should have experience in treating opioid dependence. A dual diagnosis program is advantageous as well.Dual diagnosismeans the patient can be treated for addiction but also other mental health disorders simultaneously. Most addiction treatment centers have a detox facility that’s the initial step of the program. An individualized treatment approach is a consideration when choosing a Belbuca center as well. Personal things to think about when choosing a Belbuca center include:

  • Is it an inpatient or outpatient program?
  • How far does the person want to travel for treatment?
  • Does the detox program allow the person to continue working or living their daily life?
  • Are other medications used?
  • Will insurance cover the cost of the program?
  • Is an addiction treatment program part of detox, or would the person have to transfer to another center to continue care?

What’s so important for people to realize is that addiction doesn’t have to continue being their reality. There is a way out — reach out toThe Recovery Villagefor more information.

Related Topic:Suboxone withdrawal treatment

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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