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Crack Slang

Crack cocaine is a highly addictive drug, and numerous crack street names, including “nuggets” and “white sugar”, may be used to reference the drug.

Article at a Glance:

  • “Crack” is a slang word that refers to crack cocaine.
  • Crack cocaine is derived from the powder version of cocaine, and it is highly addictive.
  • There are manystreet namesfor crack cocaine, including “base”, “fat bags”, and “white ball”.

What Does Crack Mean?

Cocaine(coke) is anillegal stimulantdrug that’s usually found in a powder form. It is snorted or sometimes injected. Because of its high melting point, it cannot be smoked. However, cocaine can be modified to remove its hydrochloride additive. This process results in a drug that is nearly 100% pure, at which point it is called “freebase cocaine”.Freebasehas a low melting point and is not water-soluble, making it possible to smoke it.

“Crack” is another name for crack cocaine.Crack cocaineis made from cocaine in its powder form. Using baking soda and heat, a waxy, rock-like substance is extracted from the cocaine powder, and the resulting product is a substance that can be heated and inhaled.

According to theNational Drug Intelligence Center, crack became popular in the 1980s, because it was easy to make and therefore inexpensive to buy, meaning that just about anyone could get a hold of it. Crack also provides an immediate high, making it incredibly addictive for those who use it.

Street Names for Crack Cocaine

In an effort to stay one step ahead of police and DEA agents, there is an ever-evolving list ofcrackslang words used to describe the drug and its use. These words often relate to the appearance of the substance (i.e. “rock”, “nugget”) or to things like geographical origin (“Peruvian”), people and culture, or any other means to easily blend the terms into everyday conversation. These crack slang words change often and can vary according to location.

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Some common slang words for crack, according toDEA research,include:

  • 51s
  • Apple Jack
  • Baby T
  • Baseball
  • Base
  • Bazooka
  • Beemer
  • Bings
  • BJ
  • Black Rock
  • Blowcaine
  • Blowout
  • Blue
  • Bomb
  • Blow Crusher
  • Candy
  • Casper the Ghost
  • Caviar
  • Cheap Basing
  • Chingy
  • Cloud Nine
  • Cookies
  • Devil Smoke
  • Dice
  • Dime Special
  • Double Yoke
  • Eastside Player
  • Eye Opener
  • Fat Bags
  • Freebase
  • Garbage Rock
  • Gold
  • Golf Ball
  • Hail
  • Hard
  • Hotcakes
  • Ice Cubes
  • Jelly Beans
  • Johnson
  • Moon Rock
  • Nuggets
  • Piedras
  • Quarters
  • Ready Rock
  • Rox
  • Roxanne
  • Sleet
  • Speed Boat
  • Sugar Block
  • Top Gun
  • White Ball
  • White Ghost
  • White Sugar

Slang Words Related To Use of Crack

Additionally, a large number of words and phrases have emerged that relate to crack use, including:

  • Crack head:Someone who uses crack heavily
  • Crack baby:A child born to a mother that uses crack
  • Crack house:Indicates a place where crack is used and/or sold to others
  • Crack spot:Term for a place where crack is sold
  • Crackpipe:Pipe used to smoke crack (typically made of glass)
  • Chronic:Cocaine or crack-laced marijuana

If you or a loved one are using crack cocaine or any other type of addictive substance, it’s crucial to get help before it’s too late. The Recovery Village provides comprehensive, evidence-based treatment for substance use disorderslike cocaine addiction. The result is a path to recovery with long-term success in mind. Help is within reach.Give us a call today.

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Drug Enforcement Administration. “Drug Slang Code Words.” May 2017. Accessed October 16, 2021.

National Drug Intelligence Center. “Crack Cocaine Fast Facts.” April 2003. Accessed October 16, 2021.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “What is cocaine?” April 2021. Accessed October 16, 2021.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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