America is struggling to address the drug crisis that is claiming lives from coast to coast. No state has been spared from the toll that drugs have taken on American families and thedangers of drug overdoses, includingopioid overdoses, cannot be understated.
Drug overdoses claim thousands of lives every year. According todata from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the following ten states saw the highest overdose death rates during 2017.
Please note that the overdose death rate for each state is the number of deaths per 100,000 people in the state population in 2017. The overdose death rate is different from the total number of overdose deaths, which is reported as a whole number. The CDC adjusts this data for differences in population size and age distribution.
Drug overdose can be fatal. If you suspect someone is experiencing an overdose, call 911 immediately.Do NOT be afraid to seek help. If you do not have access to a phone contactWeb Poison Control Servicesfor online assistance.
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10.Rhode Island
Overdose Death Rate: 31.0(+0.6% y/y)
In 2017, there were 320 drug overdose deaths inRhode Island. The National Drug Intelligence Center’sRhode Island Drug Threat Assessmentlistsmarijuanaas the state’s most commonly used substance, followed byOxyContinand “club drugs” likeMDMA(ecstasy).
Opioidmisuse rates continue to rise in this state due to the low cost of illegal opioids likeheroin. Although heroin-related overdose deaths decreased in the state between 2014 and 2016, the overdose deaths caused by synthetic opioidsnearly doubledduring that time.
9. Massachusetts
Overdose Death Rate: 31.8(-3.6% y/y)
The CDC recorded 2,168 fatal drug overdose deaths for Massachusetts in 2017.
Opioid overdosesare quite prevalent in Massachusetts:85 percent of drug overdoseswere due to heroin andfentanylbetween 2013 and 2014, while 22 percent of overdoses resulted from a prescription opioid.Cocainefollows closely behind opioids as the most commonly used substance inMassachusetts.
Overdose Death Rate: 34.4(+19% y/y)
In 2017, there was a total of 424 drug overdose deaths in the state of Maine, which was an increase from 353 deaths in 2016.
Much like the rest of the country,Mainehas struggled with the opioid epidemic. Commonly used substances in Maine areheroinandsynthetic opioids. The state has also seen an increase in overdose deaths from heroin,morphineand fentanyl.
7. Maryland
Overdose Death Rate: 36.3(+9.3% y/y)
Unfortunately, the drug overdose death rate in Maryland has been consistentlyhigher than the national averageevery year since 1999. In 2017,Marylandsaw 2,247 drug overdose deaths, an increase from 2,044 deaths in 2016.
Some of the most commonly misused substances in Maryland are opioids (including heroin) and stimulants like cocaine. In 2016, approximately650 of the total number of drug overdose deathsin Maryland involved a synthetic opioid, with most deaths involving fentanyl.
6. Delaware
Overdose Death Rate: 37.0(+20% y/y)
Delawarehad 338 drug overdose deaths in 2017, which was an increase from 282 deaths in 2016. Some of the most commonly used substances in Delaware are opioids, followed closely by marijuana and heroin.
Fentanyluse is a concerning issue in Delaware. A reported186 percent increasein fentanyl-related deaths was recorded in Delaware from 2015 to 2016.
5. New Hampshire
Overdose Death Rate: 37.0(-5% y/y)
In 2017, New Hampshire saw 467 overdose deaths, which was a decrease from 481 in 2016.New Hampshire’sdrug overdose death rate was identical to Delaware’s in 2017.
New Hampshire’s overdose rate is surprisingly higher than its neighbor Massachusetts’, which is mainlywhere New Hampshire’s opioid supply comes from. Some experts hypothesize that the overdose figures result from thelack of treatment available in the state.
4. Kentucky
Overdose Death Rate: 37.2(+11% y/y)
InKentucky, 1,419 residents died from drug overdoses in 2016. In 2017, the overdose death rate rose to 1,566.
According to the2016 Overdose Fatality Reportby the state’s justice and public safety cabinet, Jefferson County had the most overdose deaths during 2016.Louisvillewas among the most affected cities in the county for substance abuse and overdose deaths.
The report also noted that fentanyl (either taken alone or combined with heroin) was involved in 47 percent of Kentucky’s overdose deaths. Heroin overdose deaths increased as well, with 34 percent of overdose deaths being heroin-related in 2016, which was up from 28 percent in 2015.
3. Pennsylvania
Overdose Death Rate: 44.3(+16% y/y)
Pennsylvaniasaw a rise in drug overdose deaths from to 4,627 in 2016 to 5,388 in 2017.
Opioid abuse is a major concern in Pennsylvania. Opioids (illicit or prescribed) were responsible for 85 percent of Pennsylvania’s overdose deaths in 2016, according to theDrug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) analysis of overdose deaths in the state. There were2,235 opioid-related overdose deaths in Pennsylvania in 2016 alone.
2. Ohio
Overdose Death Rate: 46.3(+18% y/y)
For at least two consecutive years (2016-2017),Ohiohas ranked second-worst in the nation for drug overdose deaths, according tothe CDC. Fatal drug overdoses in Ohio increased from 4,329 in 2016 to 5,111 in 2017. According to theNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Ohio’s rate of overdose deaths has tripled since 2010 and is more than double the national rate.
Some of the most common illicit substances used in Ohio include heroin, cocaine and marijuana. Prescription opioid misuse is also on the rise across the state.Many experts believethatfentanyl cut with heroinis the drug combination that spiked overdose deaths in Ohio and across the nation.
1.West Virginia
Overdose Death Rate: 57.8 (+11% y/y)
Beyond its mountains, West Virginia is known for its abundant natural resources. Now, sadly, it is also known for its ranking as the state most affected by the opioid epidemic.
West Virginia has had the highest number of drug overdose deaths in the nation for at least two consecutive years (2016-2017). Overdose deaths increased in West Virginia from 884 in 2016 to 974 in 2017.
According to NIDA, West Virginia also had the highest rate of opioid-related overdose deaths in the country in 2016. Across the state, deaths from synthetic opioids have quadrupled since 2010, according to NIDA.
The Recovery Village and other rehabilitation facilities aim to lower drug overdose rates across the country throughcomprehensive addiction treatment. If you or a loved one need help for a drug abuse issue,call The Recovery Village todayto speak with representatives who can help. The call is free and confidential, and there is no obligation to enroll in treatment. Call now, recovery is possible.