There are behavioral changes you can look for if you suspect your college student may be struggling with substance abuse.
Collegeis a great place to explore and learn about future career options. Students also have opportunities to grow as young adults and learn life lessons away from home. Unfortunately, college also presents the opportunity toexperiment with drugs and alcohol. When college students return home for the summer, some may showsigns of substance misuse or possibly an addiction.
College and Substance Abuse
Not every young adult who goes to college parties is going to be vulnerable tobinge drinkingordrug abuse. However, there is the potential for using negative coping skills while away at school. College adds many changes to a studentโs life. Academic pressures, being away from home and struggles with independence can create addedstress.
Some students will grow and thrive in these conditions. But these changes can be especially difficult for students with underlyingmental health conditions. These young people have an evenhigher risk of developing substance use disorders.
At first, drinking or drugs may be used as a way of letting off steam during school. Substance use may be seen as a socially acceptable way of letting go of stress and escaping their problems for the moment. Some students try drugs that help them stay awake duringlong study sessions.
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Students who use substances to get through tough times may start relying on them more heavily as the months pass. The substances may seem to help at first, but continued use only causes more problems in the long run. Over time, students who misuse substances will experience many negative consequences in college.
Some students who try substances during college may resume healthier habits when they are surrounded by family. However, others may carry dangerous habits and substance misuse back home with them. This may be a shock for parents who were not aware of their childโs drug or alcohol use. Parents should be alert for behavioral changes that may indicate a struggle with substance use.
Behavioral Changes To Lookout For
Neglecting Responsibilities
Students who misuse substances may struggle with normal responsibilities like work, chores or other social commitments. Family members may find a normally reliable student dropping the ball much more frequently.
Changes in Appetite, Weight and Physical Appearance
Weight changes are not uncommon for young people living away from home. However, a significant, unexplained change can mean something is wrong. Excessive alcohol use can cause a person to gain weight, while other drugs suppress appetite and can cause a person to lose weight. A person who is misusing substances may also look much less healthy in general.
Poor Self-Care and Hygiene
Substance misuse affects a personโs ability to focus on self-care and personal habits. A student who misuses substances may not worry as much about taking regular showers or brushing their teeth. The young adult may be more focused on getting a chance to use or recovering from the effects of a recent binge.
Signs of Intoxication, Especially at Unexpected Times
A parent might observe signs of intoxication in their child such as bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, loss of coordination and tremors. This situation may be even more concerning if the symptoms occur during the daytime or on a regular basis.
Poor Grades or Unwillingness to Talk about Grades
A student who misuses substances may be unwilling to discuss their college grades. Or, they may briefly talk about them but try to brush off poor grades. While there are many possible reasons for low grades, substance misuse can interfere with a studentโs academic performance.
Unexpected Change in Friends, Hangouts and Social Behaviors
When a student moves away, family and friends often remember friendships and hangouts from when they lived at home. While social changes are expected after living away from home, extreme change can signal a problem. Dropping long-time friends and adopting an entirely different social scene could be a sign of substance misuse.
Changes in Sleeping Patterns
College students sometimes adopt irregular sleep habits to work around classes and the demands of studying. However, sleeping patterns that are vastly different from the norm may be a red flag for substance misuse. A person misusing substances often has an unusual sleep schedule that interferes with daily life.
Changes in Mood
Teenagers are prone to mood swings at times. However, substance misuse can cause a person to have disruptive mood swings and problems getting along with others. This misuse can also cause a person to be more irritable and to have more angry outbursts.
Unexplained Problems with Money
Excessive substance use can put a significant strain on finances. A student who misuses substances may realize they have money problems, but may also give excuses and odd explanations for their trouble.
If you are a parent and you have concerns that your child may have a substance use disorder,contact us at The Recovery Village. We have staff available around the clock to answer questions and help you learn more about treatment for substance misuse.