In recent years, Western society has become more acceptable of LGBTQ rights. Pride parades take place across the United States throughout the year. Insurers can no longer turn away people...

Sex and drugs is a hot topic in popular culture, but this combination can pose serious risks to your health. When sex and drug or alcohol abuse are combined, short- and long-term effects on...

While the internet serves the world in amazing ways, it is often a double-edged sword. Many researchers and experts have compared the internet to drug or alcohol addiction — in part due...

Motherhood is an exciting and challenging experience filled with opportunities for growth and learning. For some women, however, motherhood is complicated by personal struggles like drug or alcohol addiction. The...

When left unaddressed, addiction in the workplace can be dangerous and costly for organizations as well as for the people struggling with substance abuse. Since more than 70 percent of people with...

Men and women may experience significant impairment in fertility from using prescription or illicit drugs. Drug misuse can negatively impact fertility, especially in women. In fact, drug and alcohol use is a major cause of...

Addiction is a disease that deeply affects family members and friends. Getting help for a family member’s addiction can also help you cope and communicate better as a family. The...

It’s a common joke that you can locate a 12-step meeting by the large group of people smoking outside the building. A large portion of those getting sober from their...