To make informed decisions about drug policy and how it affects the country, we should carefully consider the statistics around illicit substances. How effective is drug treatment — and are...

Age is an important aspect that influences the vulnerability of an individual to substance abuse. Learn what factors lead people to abuse substances at different periods of their life. A...

Professional athletes seamlessly handle a variety of pressures. Some athletes believe that they are immune to the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. These players carry the burden of constant training, competitions, injuries and...

Maintaining an addiction can cost tens of thousands of dollars each year. Find out how the costs add up for various types of substances, including alcohol, marijuana and opioids. Addiction...

Research shows that prescription opioid use leads to decreased participation in the labor force and higher rates of unemployment, as well as significant increases in workplace injuries. What can employers...

Approximately 5% of people with an intellectual disability also struggle with a substance use disorder. Treatment is crucial and effective but it must be tailored to their unique needs. For...