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Support Groups for Families

Having a loved one living with addiction can be difficult. Fortunately, many support groups are available for the friends and family members of people with substance use disorders.

One of the most important factors in drug or alcohol treatment is the strength of the support system around the person in need of help. If you’re a family member of someone undergoing treatment fordrug or alcohol addiction, you can have an enormous impact on their recovery by showing them that you are available and supportive.

However, because a loved one’s addiction can be emotionally taxing, family members don’t always have the resources or energy to provide this crucial support. In these cases, several organizations can help families in need, including Al-Anon, Alateen, Nar-Anon, Parents of Addicted Loved Ones, Families Anonymous, SMART Recovery Family & Friends and NAMI Family Support Groups.

Article at a Glance:

  • Various organizations can help people who have family members struggling with addiction.  
  • Al-Anon and Alateen have programs to help families affected by alcoholism.  
  • Other support groups include Nar-Anon, Parents of Addicted Loved Ones, Families Anonymous, SMART Recovery Family & Friends, GRASP, and NAMI Family Support Group. 
  • You are not alone in your need for support if someone you love has an addiction. 
  • The Recovery Village has a Family Program to assist loved ones through the recovery process. 

Support Groups for Families of Addicts


Al-Anonis a worldwide fellowship that provides a recovery program for the families and friends of people addicted to alcohol. Providing support for someone withalcohol addiction, whether recovering or not, can be mentally and emotionally taxing. Al-Anon has several resources that can help, including tools to find local meetings, quizzes to determine if your needs align with the organization’s mission, and frequently asked questions to address common concerns.


Part of the Al-Anon fellowship,Alateenis a program geared toward adolescent members of families affected by alcoholism. Like Al-Anon, Alateen literature focuses on common problems that family members of people with alcohol addiction face, including excessive caretaking, self-esteem problems, and undue blame and guilt.

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Similar to Al-Anon,Nar-Anonis a 12-step program for the family and friends of people who are addicted to drugs. Nar-Anon holds regular meetings to help family members affected by the disease of addiction.

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones(PAL) is a Christian-run non-profit based on one founding phrase: “People helping people through the woods.” PAL meetings are usually held weekly and provide support for parents who have children addicted to drugs or alcohol.PAL groupsare run by peers and consist of both an educational and a sharing component.

Families Anonymous

Families Anonymousis another 12-step program designed for the family members of people addicted to drugs or alcohol or have related behavioral health conditions. Like the other groups on this list, Families Anonymous focuses on the similarities between the experiences of different attendees to show that many other families share the same struggles.

SMART Recovery Family & Friends

SMART recovery, or Self-Management and Recovery Training, is a secular alternative to Al-Anon and similar spirituality-based interventions.SMART Recovery Family & Friendsis a science-based program for family members of people living with addiction. SMART Recovery Family & Friends has several meetings in many cities and uses non-confrontational methods to help loved ones cope with a friend or family member’s addiction.


GRASP, or Grief Recovery After Substance Passing, is a community designed to support people who have lost someone they love to addiction and overdose. In this way, GRASP provides an outlet not only for the mental and emotional toll of having and losing a loved one to a substance use disorder.

NAMI Family Support Group

The National Alliance on Mental Illness(NAMI) provides a more broad support group for family members of anyone who has experienced the symptoms of a mental health condition. Membership is free, and the weekly group is designed for adults family members.

Learn to Cope

Learn to Copeis a peer-led support network that offers education, resources, and support for family and friends who have loved ones affected by substance abuse. They have 27 chapters throughout Massachusetts, a chapter in Florida, and an online forum where they offer virtual meetings.

Recovering Couples Anonymous

Recovering Couples Anonymousprovides support for couples affected by substance abuse to help restore healthy communication and greater intimacy. Although they’re not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, their system is based on that of AA.

The Benefits of Support Groups for Families Affected by Addiction and Mental Illness

Addiction is a family disease that affects everyone close to the person who has a substance use disorder. Groups designed for family members can help support positive outcomes for everyone touched byaddictionand otherbehavioral health issues. It is important to remember that if you think you need support, you are not alone, and there are others who have been through similar experiences who can help you.

How to Find Family Support Groups

Information about in-person and virtual family support groups can be found on each organization’s website:

Family Addiction Treatment Programs

Family involvementis essential for the recovery process. If you have a loved one living with addiction, the sooner you get involved and seek support for yourself, the better. If your loved one is attending treatment at one of the many Recovery Village facilities across the country,The Recovery Village Family Programis a great place to start.Reach outto a representative for more information orvisit our webpagetoday.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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