There is more than one method for the intervention process. A CRAFT intervention might be the best choice to suit your needs.
If you are concerned about a loved one’s substance abuse, it might be time to sit down and have some formal conversations with him or her about getting some help.
While interventions are an effective way to communicate concerns and convince a person to seektreatment, there are different methods or philosophies for these meetings. One method that you might want to consider is called a CRAFT intervention.
What Is a CRAFT Intervention?
The Community Reinforcement and Family Training, or CRAFT, intervention is a program that was developed by psychologist Dr. Robert Meyers and colleagues at the University of New Mexico.
Not only does this program help family members with self-care but it also has approaches to encourage the person with the substance use disorder to seek treatment.
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The CRAFT intervention process has several goals that include:
- Teaching families the tools for self-care
- Understanding triggers that can influence a loved one’s substance abuse
- Using positive communication for improved and more impactful interactions
- Rewarding a loved one when he or she refrains from using substances and holding back positive reinforcement for unhealthy behaviors
- Encouraging a loved one to seek addiction treatment
- Learning to recognize signs of potential domestic violence
A CRAFT drug intervention involves several phases and can take up to 14 one-hour sessions. The process can also be designed to suit the needs of the family and the person with substance use disorder. It can even be delivered in a group setting.
When Might a CRAFT Intervention Be the Best Choice?
CRAFT interventions are successful in a variety of settings. They are widely used in Sweden, Australia, Ireland, and Holland, but not as much in the United States yet. One study found that this approach was successful in getting 62 percent of participants into treatment.
This model is particularly effective with people who are reluctant to enter treatment. A traditional intervention may not work as well since it takes place in just a single session. With CRAFT, there is more time for the message to get through. The model is used extensively with teens and young adults with a high degree of success.
Popular Drug Interventions
Drugandalcoholuse disorders are affecting families across this country. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reported that 22 million Americans ages 12 or older have a need for addiction treatment services.
Some loved ones have sought help through support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon, which are spirituality-based support groups. Onestudyconcluded that, while these programs are helpful for family members, they do little in getting a person with a substance use disorder into treatment.
Most people are familiar with the types of interventions seen on television and some popular movies, where loved ones work with a professional to urge a person to get help.
Referred to as the Johnson Intervention, this approach does not appeal to some families because it can be construed by some as too confrontational. There is now strong evidence to supportsuccessful interventionsusing other approaches, including CRAFT interventions.
If you have a loved one with a substance use disorder, there is always hope for recovery.Contact The Recovery Villagenow to learn about comprehensive addiction treatment programs that can be customized to suit your family’s needs and circumstances.