Lazanda, a potent opioid nasal spray prescribed for cancer pain, leads to abuse, dependence and addiction. Rehab facilities can help you taper off of the drug safely.
Lazanda is a potentopioidthat is generally reserved for severe pain in people with cancer. Because it is such a strong opioid, Lazanda puts people at high risk for abuse, dependence and addiction.
Article at a Glance:
- Lazanda is an opioid used for cancer pain and is up to100 times strongerthan morphine.
- As an addictive narcotic nasal spray, Lazanda is aSchedule II controlled substance.
- Side effectsincludeconstipation, diarrhea and nasal symptoms.
- Becausewithdrawal symptomscan be hard to manage on your own, professional detox and rehab facilities can help wean you off Lazanda safely.
Lazanda Addiction
Lazanda contains the opioidfentanyland is a Schedule II controlled substance. Schedule II controlled substances have a high potential for addiction and abuse. Refills of prescription drugs on this list are not allowed, and only a doctor who is licensed to prescribe opiates can prescribe Lazanda.
People who are prescribed Lazanda may develop an addiction or dependence even if they use the medication responsibly. This is because it is an opioid analgesic. The brain forms a tolerance to opioid analgesics quickly, making them very addictive.
Although it is unclear how many people with Lazanda prescriptions misuse the drug, it isconsideredat risk for diversion. In other words, people who are not prescribed the drug may take it from other people with legitimate prescriptions and either take the drug themselves or sell it.
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If you begin to suspect that you or someone in your life has developed a Lazanda addiction, get help as soon as possible. You may notice the following addiction signs: becoming obsessed with finding and using Lazanda, seeking prescriptions for Lazanda more often than previously and losing interest in activities you once found enjoyable.
What is Lazanda?
Lazanda is a potent opioid used to relieve pain. Specifically, it is designed for people with cancer pain who are tolerant to other opioids. Because of its risks, Lazanda isrestrictedto a Risk Mitigation and Evaluation Strategy, or REMS program. Doctors, pharmacies and patients all must be enrolled in the program to prescribe and receive Lazanda.
It should only be used to treat sudden, severe pain rather than mild or short-term pain, like pain from headaches, dental procedures or surgeries. Doses are delivered via a nasal spray of 100 mcl of solution. Lazandais available in dosesof 100 mcg, 300 mcg and 400 mcg doses.
Signs, Symptoms & Side Effects of Abuse
Common side effects of using Lazandainclude:
- Nausea or vomiting
- Dizziness
- Fever
- Constipation
As the drug is a nasal spray, nasal side effects can also occur. Theseinclude:
- Nasal discomfort or irritation
- Runny nose
- Congestion
- Nosebleed
- Postnasal drip
Overdose Risk
The risk of an overdose increases dramatically when the drug is used by individuals who do not regularly take potent, long-acting opioids. To be considered opioid-tolerant, you must take the equivalent dose of60 mg of oral morphinedaily for at least a week.
Never share your Lazanda prescription with anyone for any reason. Doses are calculated specifically for individual people. The same dose that works well for one opioid-tolerant person may result in death for another.
The mainsymptom of an overdoseis severe respiratory depression, or slowed breathing. Lazanda acts directly on respiratory mechanisms in the brain stem that regulate automatic breathing. The drug interferes with the brain stem’s ability to analyze carbon dioxide levels in the body and respond by breathing. By suppressing activity in the brain stem, the body has no way of knowing that it needs to breathe.
Other signs of an overdose include pinpoint pupils and a severely decreased level of consciousness. If too high of a dose is taken, the person may deteriorate rapidly from responding to questions in full sentences to being completely unaware of their surroundings.Other symptomsof an overdose can include cold, clammy skin, blue lips and fingers.
Lazanda is not approved for use by anyone under the age of 18. Lazanda has ahigh chanceof death when it is taken by children.
In the event of an emergency, or if you believe you are witnessing an overdose, call 911 immediately. If you have an opioid reversal agent like naloxone available, you should administer naloxone and then call 911.
Lazanda and Alcohol
You should never mix alcohol with Lazanda, as this can lead to coma, overdose or even death.
This is because both alcohol and opioid analgesics suppress the respiratory system. Individuals who begin taking more of the drug to achieve the desired effect are at anincreased riskof overdose if they also use alcohol.
Long-Term Consequences
Using Lazanda for a prolonged period may lead tolower hormone levelsin some people. Low hormone levels can, in turn, lead to changes in sexual ability in men, reduce the occurrence of menstruation, lower libido and cause fertility issues.
Another long-term effect is developing a tolerance to opioid analgesics.
Lazanda Withdrawal
People who no longer wish to treat their pain with Lazanda should first set up a meeting with their doctor to discuss the best way to stop the medication. Lazanda should never be stopped suddenly or “cold turkey,” as this can produce unwanted withdrawal symptoms.
In most cases, doctors will gradually lower your dosage over time so that your body can adjust to less and less of the medication. This tapering approach will help you avoid withdrawal symptoms. Remember, you should never adjust your dosage or treatment schedule unless your doctor explicitly tells you to.
If you are having trouble managing withdrawal symptoms, you may want to consider amedically-assisted detoxification program. In this program, you can safely detox while being able to come to medical professionals with any struggles or questions you have regarding withdrawal.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Common withdrawal symptoms of short-acting opioids like Lazandainclude:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Feeling hot or cold
- Sweating
- Muscle cramps
- Runny eyes and nose
- Diarrhea
Withdrawal Timeline
Lazanda’s withdrawal timeline is different for everyone. If you take Lazanda on a regular basis, you may start to experience withdrawal symptoms around the time that your next dose would have been taken. Withdrawal symptoms may lastup to 10 days.
Lazanda Addiction Treatment & Detox
People who may have developed an addiction to Lazanda can benefit from The Recovery Village’s resources and rehabilitation programs. The first step in recovery, regardless of whether someone enters inpatient or outpatient rehab, is to safely detox from the medication. Once the drug is completely out of your system, you can participate in individual and group counseling sessions and recreational therapy activities at The Recovery Village.
Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehabgives you the opportunity to live at a designated inpatient center while you safely recover from addiction. This is a beneficial treatment option for people with severe Lazanda addiction or those who might find recovery difficult due to distractions in their home life. While at The Recovery Village, people in inpatient rehab can learn skills on how to manage their addiction struggles from professionally trained staff.
Outpatient Rehab
After the inpatient rehab is completed, you will begin the second leg of treatment withoutpatient rehab. In this program, you will live at home while you attend your scheduled treatment appointments. Some people with less severe addiction may opt-out of inpatient rehab and begin recovery with outpatient rehab orteletherapyinstead.
Choosing a Lazanda Rehab Center
Choosing a rehab center to support you during your journey to recovery is an important step in living a happier, healthier, substance-free life. To make the most informed decision possible, it is recommended that you schedule a meeting with your doctor to discuss specific features you should seek in a rehab center.
If you or someone you know is suffering from Lazanda addiction or another type of substance use disorder, seek professional help as soon as possible.Contact The Recovery Villagetoday to discuss resources and treatment options that may work for your situation.