Muskegon Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
Muskegon is the largest city on Lake Michigan’s eastern shores. The last census indicated that the population was 38,401, but recent estimates put the population at 38,349. This is a slight decline, but the city still has the largest population of all the cities along Lake Michigan. It is also the headquarters of Muskegon County. The majesty of Muskegon, however, hides a startling truth about the drastic increase insubstance abuse.
This problem not restricted to the Muskegon alone. Michigan has seen an increase in the number of drug overdoses as a whole. Opioids,cocaine,andalcoholhave ensnared a considerable number of residents. Once hooked, victims end up becoming dependent on these substances. Despite having only 5 percent of the global population, America consumes 80 percent of all prescription opioids each year. In 2016, Michigan physicians prescribed 11 million opioids to residents. In Muskegon County, at least one person each day overdoses on prescription opioids. Alcoholism has also increased, with more people using it to numb emotional pain.
If you have developed a dependence on opioids, alcohol, or other drugs, it is not too late to turn your life around. There are various drug and alcohol treatment facilities available to help. You can also find numerous support groups that will help you along the journey back to full sobriety.
Finding Help & Recovery in Muskegon, Michigan
Muskegon Drug & Alcohol Detox Centers
Regardless of the program you choose, you will need to go through the different steps of recovery. Thedetoxphase is the most dreaded. During this period, substances are eliminated from your body. There are often withdrawal symptoms as your body acclimatizes to life without drugs. Depending on the dependence severity, you may need to check in to a detox center.
If you are only suffering from mild alcoholism, you may just get some medication to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms while at home. However, chronic alcoholism may need to be treated in a detox center. Physicians will administer benzodiazepines to assist in the detox. Similarly, opioids and heroin are highly addictive. Those who have been drug- or alcohol-dependent for a long time may be unable to detox without analgesics to prevent shock. Checking into a drug or alcohol detox center may save your life.