Saint Paul Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
As the “twin” of Minneapolis, St. Paul’s Twin City has much to offer residents and visitors during any season. In the depths of winter, they celebrate with a Winter Carnival, watch the spring blossoms at the Japanese gardens, enjoy sports during the summer’s Freedom Festival and enjoy autumn at one of the city’s historic parks and museums. But in spite of all the city’s cultural, economic and historical offerings, some residents spend the year in other, less healthy ways. St. Paul, like so many other cities in America, is facing a major drug and alcohol problem.
With drug-related fatalities on the rise, heroin and methamphetamine continue to be a serious problem in St. Paul.Marijuana,cocaineand other opioids are also a concern, as drug busts and drug-related gang violence continues to haunt the city. Meanwhile,alcohollaws have become more relaxed, with residents now able to purchase alcohol on Sunday, making liquor also more accessible and easier to drink excessively.
St. Paul can be a challenging place for those who are suffering from drug and alcohol addictions, but it is also a place of hope. Today, there are many treatment facilities and detox centers available to help you or loved ones overcome the behaviors and attitudes that make it difficult to hold steady jobs, maintain loving relationships with family members and stay healthy. There are resources in and around the Twin Cities, including St. Paul drug treatment facilities.
Finding Help & Recovery in Saint Paul, MN
It can feel overwhelming to decide which treatment program will work best for you. As this is indeed a big decision, take your time when considering the severity of your addiction, your home life and your finances. First, look at your drug and alcohol use. How long have substances been in your life? How much and what kinds? Second, would it benefit or hurt your treatment to stay at home during the first phase of sobriety? And third, what do your medical benefits offer? Some health care providers are willing to pay for some or all of your treatment. It is worth a call.
Saint Paul Drug & Alcohol Detox Centers
Not all treatment facilities include detoxification, and some individuals prefer to go through a detox program before entering treatment. There are many St. Paul drug detox programs and St. Paul alcohol detox programs to choose from. There are some drugs that require medication so that the patient can be safe and secure during the detox process. There is no need to go through painful and potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms by yourself. Connect with a medical professional so your treatment can begin with success.
Of course, the physical removal of harmful chemicals from the body is just the first step of the treatment process. The hard work is addressing the underlying causes of your addiction. What makes you choose to use drugs and alcohol? Understanding your underlying emotional, mental or psychological needs will prepare you to better understand yourself as you enter the world without the mask of illicit substances. This is the most important work you can do for yourself. This is the path to happiness and health, stronger relationships and a steady career. You deserve this, and you can do it.
When determining where to seek treatment, do what is best for you. It might be a St. Paul drug rehab center or a St. Paul alcohol rehab center. On the other hand, for some individuals, it may be better to go a little farther from home to begin their sober life. There are resources available in many cities throughout the state and nation.