Drug, Alcohol, Detox and Treatment Resources
Henderson is a city situated in The Mojave Desert and is part of Clark County, Nevada. With a population of over 290,000, Henderson is The Silver State’s second – largest city after Las Vegas. Its location means that the city boasts lots of desert vegetation, and visitors can experience this unique botanical life by riding or walking around The River Mountain Loop Trail. If you are lucky, you might even catch sight of wildlife. Other places to visit in Henderson include Clark County Heritage Museum and Sunset Station Casino.
Despite Henderson’s success and overall charm,alcoholandsubstance abusecontinue to trouble many of the city’s residents.Heroin, in particular, is currently the most used drug in Clark County.
According to an online publication, the opioid epidemic in Nevada is so serious that the federal government recently granted the state $5.6 million to combat opioid dependency.
Finding Help & Recovery in Henderson, NV
If you are seeking help for your addiction, consider the differences between treatment centers and programs before choosing one. Take the time to look at the severity of your addiction, your ability to be away from home for an extended period of time, your finances and your medical coverage.
Henderson Drug & Alcohol Detox Centers
Detoxification is the process whereby the toxins caused by continued drug misuse are removed from the body.Detoxmarks the initial step in the path to recovery. People struggling with substance dependency are cautioned against undergoing detoxification without professional medical assistance. Using alcohol detox kits without the assistance of a professional poses great health risks. The wise thing to do is to go through detoxification at a proper rehabilitation facility.
At rehabilitation facilities, patients with a history of prolonged drug use are accordedmedically assisted Treatment (MAT)that helps manage the psychological side effects of sudden withdrawal. MAT is usually preceded by patient stabilization.
After drug detox, patients are urged to take up the 12-step recovery plan, the final stage in what constitutes a comprehensive recovery program.
There are numerous options for those wishing to go for substance use treatment in Southern Nevada. In addition to the rehabilitation facilities within Henderson, the following nearby cities and towns are also home to more centers.