Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
New York is in the stranglehold of an opioid epidemic. There were 1,300 overdoses in 2016, and a full 80 percent of those were attributed to opioids. Of those, 90 percent involved fentanyl, a powerful pain reliever prescribed to cancer sufferers.
With addiction and overdose rates so high, many families may find themselves with a loved one fighting the disease of substance abuse. They can take hope in the fact that there is help available for both themselves and the loved one battling this sickness. There are professionals in the field who have trained their entire lives to support those undergoing addiction.
People who misuse or become dependent on either prescribed or illicit drugs are suffering from a medical condition called addiction. The disease is treatable and neither you nor your family member are alone on the road to recovery. There is medical and psychiatric help available to those who wish to overcome their illness. As a resident of Astoria, New York, there are many treatment options available to you. The families of those living in Astoria, New York who are suffering from addiction can get their loved ones the help needed.
Finding Help & Recovery in Astoria, NY
Detox Centers
The withdrawal symptoms that come with the cessation of some prescription and illicit drugs can be life-threatening. A detox center is a specialized facility that can help a patient through those symptoms. They prescribe medications that can ease a patient’s symptoms and monitored by specialized doctors and staff members who have trained to teach patients how to cope with withdrawal. They can also, in some cases, begin the treatment on the psychological side to help a patient recover from the emotional toll of addiction.
Sometimes, a patient may benefit more by choosing an addiction treatment facility that is nearby, rather than within their hometown. They will be able to limit distractions that may conflict with their therapy and their goal of becoming sober. However, some patients benefit more from having friends and family nearby and able to visit as they recover.