Sherman Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
The small town of Sherman, Texas, is located just north of Dallas on the border of Oklahoma. It has many manufacturing and industrial employment opportunities at such major corporations such as Tyson Foods and Texas Instruments. Austin College is also located in this small Great Plains town.
Sherman is located close enough to Mexico to be a frequent stop for distributors of illegal drugs includingcocaine,marijuanaand illegal prescription drugs.
Despite these troubling trends, there have also been many individuals in Sherman and throughout the North Texas region who have been able to overcome their drug addictions and win their battles with substance misuse. These people made progress with the help of various Sherman drug treatment facilities and Sherman alcohol treatment facilities. The process can be very challenging, especially with the social stigmas surrounding addiction, but there are many nearby treatment centers and recovery groups with trained professionals and medical experts who will work individually with patients to find success. There is help available to reverse these negative behaviors that cause problems at work and at home.
Finding Help in Sherman
Sherman, Texas Alcohol Rehab Centers and Drug Centers
The first step to the process is deciding that it’s time to overcome an addiction and believe that there is a better way to live life without the constant and debilitating pull of substance abuse. This is a very difficult step, but the next steps — finding a drug treatment program that works for you — does not have to be so hard. Consider drug rehab in Sherman, TX or alcohol rehab in Sherman, TX. There are also additional rehab centers in nearby cities. At these centers, you can opt to join a residential treatment program, a partial hospitalization program or an outpatient program, depending on their life situation and/or the severity of their addiction.
Residential Treatment Programs
Also known as inpatient treatment, residential treatment programs are ideal for those who are at great risk of relapse or may require a detoxification process requiring substantial medical oversight. Participants live on the property in a structured environment and participate in programs that are designed to offer therapy and teach new skills to do what is necessary to help a sober healing process begin.
Partial Hospitalization Programs
Another option for treatment is the partial hospitalization program, which is slightly less intensive than a residential program but can provide many of the same benefits. There are medical staff members involved to help oversee the treatment process. Patients do not stay on property but instead live in a safe off-site location. This allows for more independence.
Outpatient Treatment Programs
A third and popular option for those with a less severe addiction is an outpatient treatment program. Oftentimes, this type of program is the next step from an inpatient or partial hospitalization program, because there is much more freedom associated with it. Patients can continue to work, go to school and live at home. Outpatient programs help participants create a supportive network and necessary therapy work to overcome their addictions.
It can feel overwhelming to choose the best treatment program for you, so take the decision one step at a time. Take an honest look at your substance abuse problems, and think about how long it has been in your life. Determine the structure of your home, consider your medical insurance, and research whether some programs can be covered. This is the most important decision you can make, and you can find the right treatment program that will work for you. Whether you choose a drug rehab center in Sherman, TX or alcohol rehab center in Sherman, TX or another center nearby, you’ll be making a proactive step towards recovery.
Detox Centers
Detoxification, or eliminating the toxic chemicals from drugs in your body, is the physical method of sobriety. In Sherman, Texas there are many options for detoxification. It can involve unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, so there is no reason to go through the process alone. In fact, detox from many drugs require medical supervision. Reach out to a medical professional trained in this work. There are many experienced people who can help make the detox process as smooth and successful as possible.
Recovery Meetings Near You
The treatment process is something you need to decide upon yourself. Taking the steps to change your life and overcome a drug addiction takes dedication and work, and it is possible. Detox and the initial treatment programs are vital to success, but newly sober patients often choose to join a recovery group so they can work through the day-to-day issues that arise and challenge their sobriety. There are options in the Sherman area that have allowed thousands of people to get away from substance abuse and on to the best years of their lives.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
For more than 80 years, Alcoholics Anonymous has helped people stay away from alcohol and live sober lives. Self-declared addicts attend daily meetings to share experiences through group discussions while analyzing their own behaviors. This 12-step process helps participants create new routines and make good decisions while sending up their addictions to a higher power. There are AA meetings near the Sherman area and in almost every other city in the world.
Serenity Group
106 South Elm St.
Sherman, TX, 75090
Alcoholics Anonymous
300 West Morgan St.
Denison, TX, 75020
Alcoholics Anonymous
1310 East Sam Rayburn Dr.
Bonham, TX, 75418
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous, which was formed in 1953, offers meetings that are set up in the same fashion as Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Self-described addicts work through a 12-step process to create new paths in their lives that can help them make daily decisions for sobriety. These meetings are free and open to everyone. There are NA meetings in the Sherman area as well as throughout the world.
Serenity Group
106 South Elm St.
Sherman, TX, 75090
Red River Region of NA
314 “A” North Walnut
Sherman, TX, 75090
The Refuge Church
2300 West Morton Suite 112
Denison, TX, 75020
SMART Recovery Meetings
The 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous is not for everyone. That’s why SMART Recovery was created. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training, and it works by focusing on individual responsibility and self-empowerment rather than the release of the addiction to the higher power. It’s run by a nonprofit organization that uses non-confrontational and motivational techniques to help support you in your sobriety. There are SMART Recovery meetings near Sherman and elsewhere in the nation.
Texoma Community Center
315 West McLain Dr.
Sherman, TX, 75092
Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings
Drug addiction is a challenge for more than just the person struggling with the substance misuse problem. Friends and family of those who have attended Sherman drug rehab centers or Sherman alcohol rehab centers can be impacted by this situation as well, especially when addiction has lasted for a long time. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon meetings are organized to help loved ones work through their own challenges that are associated with addiction. The support network and the program’s own 12-step program can be very rewarding and effective, independent of the important work being done by the loved one.
Sherman AFG Al-Anon
1515 North Travis
Sherman, TX, 75092
Lucas Nar-Anon Family Group
750 West Lucas Rd.
Lucas, TX, 75002
There are various Sherman alcohol rehab and Sherman drug rehab options available to residents. Some people may opt to attend a rehab center in a nearby city, which can help you enjoy a fresh start. Check your local options in Denison, Whitesboro and more.