Waxahachie Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
Located just south of Dallas, the town of Waxahachie is known for its many gingerbread-bedecked Victorian homes and its annual Scarborough Renaissance Festival. The name “Waxahachie” may mean “cow’s tail” in the Muscogee language, or it may mean “fat wildcat” in the Wichita tongue, but it’s a memorable and interesting name regardless. The town has been used as a nostalgic location for several feature films due to the range of period architecture throughout the area.
An unspoken feature of Waxahachie is the increasing number of residents who are abusing drugs and alcohol. Texas and the nation are seeing a surge in drug overdose deaths, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with the rate of drug overdose deaths tripling in Texas between 2000 and 2014.
Some people in Waxahachie unwittingly begin misusing prescribedopiate-based pain pillsafter an accident or injury. Other people mixbenzodiazepinesandalcoholfor recreation, creating a deadly cocktail. By the time people realize they have a drug or alcohol use disorder, they often feel ashamed or stubbornly deny any problems. People withsubstance use disordermay be too afraid to ask for help, even though their lives are being disrupted and damaged by their substance abuse. If you are struggling — or someone you love in Waxahachie is struggling —with drug or alcohol misuse, there is help available.
Finding Help in Waxahachie
Consider which type of drug abuse treatment plan is best for your situation. If possible, develop a network of people who can help you throughout your treatment regimen.
Detox Centers
If you’ve tried to stop your drug or alcohol intake and failed, you realize how hard it can be to break bad habits and substance misuse on your own. Some drugs and alcohol have such profound effects on the body, your life may be threatened when you abruptly quit your intake of these substances. Even if your life’s not in physical danger, the symptoms of withdrawal may be so unbearable, you end up using drugs or alcohol again despite your best intentions.
With supervised detoxification you have a team of health care professionals monitoring you and helping you work through your physical, mental and emotional changes. You may be administered medicine to reduce your discomfort or cravings. You’re more likely to continue withdrug detoxthan when trying to go it alone.
As you explore all of your options in Waxahachie for substance-abuse treatment, detox and support, take some time to research the professional facilities and programs in neighboring areas.