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Does LSD Cause Bipolar Disorder?

Drugs are mind-altering, which can increase the intensity of bipolar disorder symptoms, especially if someone is using a substance like LSD.

Bipolar disorderis marked by wild shifts in mood and energy levels that affect a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks. LSD can reduce symptoms ofdepressionand have cooling effects on bipolar disorder. Since LSD provides relief from such symptoms, some people may try to self-medicate to reduce symptoms.

Article at a Glance:

  • LSD use may limit unwanted symptoms of bipolar disorder, but the combination may also lead to risky behavior
  • Both drug addiction and bipolar disorder can be treated if desired
  • Trying to treat a substance use disorder without managing a mental health issue, or vice versa, is unlikely to work
  • A person may feel some relief from bipolar symptoms while taking LSD, but the drug can worsen the disorder

Does LSD Cause Bipolar Disorder?

Drugs can affect the mind. That effect can boost the intensity of a disorder, especially if LSD use is involved.LSDis a drug that alters a person’s mental state. While there is no evidence that LSD causes the disorder, it can put stress on the mind, making the disorder worse.

People with the disorder may go throughmanicand depressive states. Mania can be felt as periods of high energy, while depression may be so severe that it leads to a major sense of hopelessness or suicidal ideations. LSD can also change a person’s mood and energy levels. For someone with the disorder, these side effects may be more extreme.

A person living with the disorder may use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. They may do so to try to decrease their symptoms. However, using substances while living with the disorder can cause issues like:

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  • Faster mood changes
  • More extreme symptoms
  • Higher rate of suicide attempts
  • More anxiety or depressive episodes
  • Being injured more
  • More likely to become homeless or have money problems

LSD use and bipolar disorder can harm a person’s ability to live their daily life as they wish to.

Can LSD Help Bipolar Disorder?

It is common for a person living with amental disorderto consider self-medication. The ideas may range from a glass of wine to experimentation withillicit drugs. LSD is a drug that gives people an escape from reality. However, it also causes mood swings, depression and lack of motivation. So, it does not help a person with bipolar disorder. It can make the condition worse.

LSD use can cause a person to experience more stress due to the effects of the drug. Though it may seem to reduce negative symptoms for a short time, it can worsen them in the long term. While under the influence of LSD, a person with the disorder may feel good. However, once the effect of the drug wears off, people living with the disorder may have severe mood changes.

Related Topic:LSD for depression treatment

LSD Abuse and Bipolar Disorder Treatment

LSD use can increase the challenges people have from the disorder. People with co-occurringsubstance use and bipolar disordermay see fewer benefits from their mood disorder treatment, recover slower and be more prone to suicide. They are also less responsive to addiction treatment than people who do not have the disorder.

Traditional forms ofLSD addiction treatmentwill not work as well for people with the disorder since these programs will likely focus on the specifics of drug abuse. When a person seeks treatment for co-occurring disorders, it is good to find a recovery center that focuses on treatment for that certain situation.

Duringtreatment, doctors can give tips on how to deal with substance cravings as well as symptoms related to bipolar disorder. They can provide a patient with a solid foundation for a healthy recovery process.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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