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What are the Different Types of Weed?

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Weed is all derived from the plant, Cannabis, but the different species can have very different effects on people.

There are several different types of weed, or marijuana. Marijuana refers to the dried seeds, stems, leaves or flowers of the plant Cannabis. The specific type of weed is defined by the way the plant is prepared and what kind of Cannabis plant it is.

The main active ingredient in weed is the chemical Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. THC has psychoactive effects, meaning that it can alter mood, alertness, cognizance and cognitive functioning. Cannabidiol or CBD is also a large component of weed plants and has relaxation effects but does not have the psychoactive effects of THC. CBD is also thought to relieve pain.

Different Kinds of Weed Have Different Effects

Thestrongest types of weedtend to have a higher ratio of THC to CBD, meaning there is a lot of THC but not much CBD. When the ratios are more even, CBD cancounteract the effects of THC. Therefore, the level of both chemicals in a strain of weed determines what effect it has on a person.

What types of weed are there?There aretwo major types of weed, which are determined by the species ofCannabisplant they are derived from. While weed originally came from these two strains, there are nowhundreds of other hybrid strainsthat are a mix of the two.

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Article at a Glance:

  • Indica and sativa are the main types of weed that come from the cannabis plant.
  • Indica is known for its relaxing effects, while sativa has energizing effects.
  • Popular strains of weed include Sour Diesel, Purple Kush and Blue Dream.
  • Hybrid strains of weed can provide both relaxing and energizing effects.
  • Although marijuana has been approved for some medicinal uses, it can also have dangerous side effects.

Major Types of Weed and Effects

Thetwomajortypes of weedcome from two different species of theCannabisplant:Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa.Thedifferent types of weedvary based on both thetype of weed plantthey come from and also in the effects they have on a person or the type of high that they give.

Recently, a third strain,Cannabis ruderalis,has also been used to make weed. It has lower levels of THC and is primarily used for medicinal marijuana.Additionally, hybrid strains have been made that are a mix of the two major species.

People who use marijuana will generally choose to use a type of weed based on the effect they want to have. While each type is known for its different effect, one person’s experience may vary greatly from another’s. The route of administration (i.e. smoking or eating) can also greatly influence the effect the type of weed will have. 

While every person’s experience is different, there are some general effects associated with each strain:


Cannabis indicaoriginated in the Hindu “Kush” region, near Afghanistan. Because it comes from a cold, mountainous climate, it tends to be shorter and have the appearance of a bush. The leaves are darker, fuller and rounder than thesativaplant. The buds tend to grow in clumps.

C. indicaproduces large amounts of THC and low levels of CBD and, therefore, it is considered a strong weed. It tends to be very relaxing or sedating, sometimes making people who consume it want to just hang out on the couch. For this reason, it is commonly used at night before going to bed. It creates more of a “body high” due to its relaxing effects.

Because of its sedative effects,indicais often used by people who experience insomnia. A recent study showed that more peoplefoundrelief from insomnia and pain when using theindicastrain, compared tosativa. This effect may be a result of the higher levels of THC.


Cannabis sativaoriginates from warmer climates, such as Mexico and South Africa, and tends to grow very tall with long, thin leaves. It will flower under certain light conditions, which requires darkness for more than 11 hours a day.

C. sativahas lower levels of THC compared toindica,and higher levels of CBD, giving it more equal levels of both chemicals. Thesativastrains have energizing effects, and people often consume weed from these strains in the morning or afternoon. Some people claim that the strain allows them to focus more and be more creative.C. sativais also described as giving a cognitive or “head high” versus the body high that is felt withindica.

Due to its mood lifting and energizing effects,sativatends to be used by people who have depression or exhaustion. It has also been described to relieve some of the symptoms of ADHD and other mood disorders.


Hybrid strainsare made by cross germinating the seeds of the two common strains ofCannabisin an attempt to produce effects of both. Most strains commonly grown today are hybrids rather than pureindicaorsativa.

The hybrids are usually described based on the dominating effect they have. For example, asativa-dominant strain will be more likely to provide energizing effects and a head high.


Cannabis ruderalisis another species that was first discovered in southern Russia.C. ruderalisgrows shorter than the other two species of weed and has thin, fibrous stems with large leaves. It is also an autoflowering plant, meaning that it will flower depending on the age of the plant rather than the light conditions.

C. ruderalis has very low levels of THC compared to the other weed strains, making it rarely used for recreational purposes. It is more commonly used in medicinal marijuana.

Common Types of Weed Strains and Effects

There are certaintypes of weed strainsthat are more common than others and some that are coveted for their extraordinary effects. With the ability to make hybrids that blend the effects of bothindicaandsativastrains, there are now “designer strains” of weed that are bred for maximum quality.

Newtypes of weedsometimes have interestingnames, which are usually based on their effects, origin, or the way they appear or smell. Some examples include: Purple Urkle, Willy’s Wonder, Permafrost, Pineapple Express, Strawberry Cough and Island Sweet Skunk.

he following are some of the most common or coveted types of weed strains and the effects they are known to have:

Sour Diesel

Sour Diesel is a type of hybrid strain that mostly has the highly energizing effects ofsativa, but also has some of the physical relaxation properties ofindica. It is very potent in THC. The high usually results in a head rush.

It is named for the gasoline-like chemical smell that its flowers make. The medium-sized buds have yellowish-green leaves. It tends to have a sour or skunky taste that some people find unpleasant.

Sour Diesel tends to be used by people who have mild stress, anxiety or depression. It has also been reported to relieve body aches and pains. Some people use it to increase their appetite when they are experiencing a reduced desire to eat. In some people, the high from sour diesel can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of paranoia. This is most likely due to its high THC content.

Purple Kush

Purple Kush is a pureindicastrain that has a full and relaxing body high. It has a high THC composition.

The name “Purple Kush” comes from the color of its purple leaves and the fact that one of the strains it is derived from originated in the Kush region near Afghanistan. It is one of the most popular Kush strains used.

Because of its ability to induce physical relaxation, it is commonly used by people who have chronic pain, depression or anxiety. It is also used by people who want to relieve situational or temporary pain.

Blue Dream

Blue dream is another hybrid strain of weed that is slightlysativa-dominant. It gives an energetic cerebral high that can increase motivation and heighten focus. Some people describe it as having relaxing and pain-relieving effects.

Its name comes from the fact that the origin of the strain is unknown, making it like a dream. It has a sweet taste that some describe as similar to blueberries and sugar.

People who have chronic fatigue, depression or a lack of appetite have described blue dream as having therapeutic effects that improve these conditions. People have also described it as relieving chronic pain and migraines. 

Key Points: Types of Weed

Not all weed is the same. Here are some general points related to the many different kinds of weed:

  • There are two main strains of weed:indicaandsativa
  • C. indicastrains are relaxing and provide a body high
  • C. sativastrains tend to be energizing and provide a cognitive high
  • There are many variations of hybrid strains that combine aspects of both

Though some strains of marijuana have been described to have therapeutic effects and have been approved for medicinal use, the use of marijuana can result in dangerous side effects.Marijuana can be addictive.

If you or a loved one are struggling with a substance use disorder, The Recovery Village can help. To learn more about our comprehensive treatment plans,call The Recovery Villageto speak with a representative.

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Goss, D. “An Overview of Products and Bias in Research.” Neurotherapeutics, October, 2015. Accessed June 23, 2019.

Iseger, T.A.; Bossong, M.G. “A systematic review of the antipsychotic[…]nnabidiol in humans.” Schizophrenia Research, March, 2015. Accessed June 21, 2019.

Piper, Brian J. “Mother of Berries, ACDC, or Chocolope?: […]ents in New England.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, October 24, 2017. Accessed June 23, 2019.

Stith, S.S.; Vigil, J.M.; Brockelman, F.; Keeling, K.; Hall, B.“The Association between Cannabis Product[…] and Symptom Relief.” Scientific Reports, February, 2019. Accessed June 21, 2019.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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