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Anorexia Statistics

Anorexia nervosa statistics reveal that it’s one of the most common eating disorders. Learn more from the latest research on the condition.

Anorexiais characterized by a heightened fear of weight gain. This fear can lead to extreme dietary restrictions, resulting in dramatic weight loss and many related health problems. The onset of anorexia can be impacted bymany factors, including genetics, life experiences or personality. Although anorexia can affect all members of the population, the disorder impacts women disproportionately. Anorexia can be highly disruptive to emotional and physical well-being and can affect many aspects of daily life, from eating meals to work productivity. To compound this, anorexia has a great deal of comorbidity withphysical and psychiatric conditions.

Prevalence of Anorexia

Anorexia has been referred to as a Western condition sincerates are much higherin Western countries than in middle or low-income countries. However, anorexia is becoming increasingly common worldwide as the internalization of thethin idealbecomes more prevalent internationally.

The lifetime prevalence of anorexia isestimated to be1% in women and less than 0.5% in men in high-income countries. In the U.S., the lifetime prevalence of anorexia is0.80%in both men and women. The ratio of men to women with anorexia is1:8, though this may differ in childhood. Adolescent and young women are particularly high risk, with rates that may be as high as22%.

Anorexia Demographics

Symptoms of anorexia typically emerge for the first time inearly to mid-adolescence. Aside from women, other populations commonly affected by anorexia include:

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Although anorexia in men is less common, rates are also higher amongadolescent malesthan in other life stages. Importantly, even subsyndromal symptoms of anorexia or disordered eating can have significant effects on physical and mental health.

Age of Onset

Symptoms of anorexiamay appear as early as childhoodand could present as picky eating or disinterest in eating. Although anorexia can occur at any age, the average time of onset for anorexia isearly to mid-adolescence, and anorexia in teens is thought to have some basis in the hormonal changes that occur during this time. It is also understood thatpressuresrelated to social norms, increased dieting behaviors and body dissatisfaction become more common at this time. Anorexia can also develop during adulthood or old age, though it is less common.

Anorexia and Co-Occurring Disorders

Anorexia is often described as a disorder ofcontrol and perfectionism. These qualities can increase a person’s risk of other psychological conditions; therefore, anorexia is often experienced in combination with other mental health conditions. In fact, nearlythree-quartersof patients with anorexia nervosa report having had a lifetimemood disorder, mainlydepression, and approximately25–75%have a lifetime history ofanxiety. People with anorexia may also experiencesocial phobiaor mayavoid social situationsfor fear of being viewed negatively.

Anorexia also shares features withobsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and nearly80%of people with anorexia have obsessions or compulsions at some point in their life. To cope with some of the experiences of anorexia and comorbid conditions, peoplemay use alcohol or substances. The prevalence of alcohol use and dependency in anorexia may be up to25%, and substance usemay occurto suppress appetite or promote purging behaviors.

As a result of the nutrient and energy deprivation common in anorexia, sufferers can experience a series of serious physical problems. For example, people with anorexia may experiencephysical consequenceslike organ function complications, dizziness, fatigue, endocrine problems, type 1 diabetes or osteoporosis. The type and duration of physical comorbidity can depend on the severity of anorexia.

Anorexia Suicide Risk

The experience of anorexia is highly distressing, and symptoms can be persistent over the course of an individual’s life. As a result of this distress, some people with anorexia may experience suicidal thoughts, and the risk of suicide ishigher than averageamong this group.

Anorexia Prognosis

The prognosis for anorexia varies based on gender, age of onset and severity of symptoms. As features of anorexia are often part of a person’s personality, anorexia can have a long recovery time and a heightenedrisk of relapse. The long-term prognosis for anorexia can look different for adolescents and adults. In general, adolescents havea higher recovery and lower mortality ratethan adults. Recovery in adult-onset anorexia may take5–6 yearsand appropriate treatment and support are crucial to this process.

Statistics on Anorexia Treatment and Recovery

There are many treatment options available for those with anorexia. For treatment to be effective, it’s important to establish the nature and severity of anorexia, as well as any conditions that co-occur with the disorder. The treatment success rate for anorexia can vary and is greatly improved by appropriate support and tailored treatment strategies. Some of the most commonanorexia treatmentsinclude:

There are avarietyof re-nourishment and therapy treatments that have demonstrated success for anorexia. If you or someone you care about is experiencing symptoms of anorexia-related to an alcohol or substance use problem,contact The Recovery Village todayto discuss our comprehensive treatment options.

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Harrington, B. C., et al. “Initial evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.” Am Fam Physician, 2015. Accessed May 7th, 2019.

Zipfel, S., et al. “Anorexia nervosa: aetiology, assessment, and treatment.” Lancet Psychiatry, 2015. Accessed May 7th, 2019.

Makino M., Tsuboi K., Dennerstein L. “Prevalence of eating disorders: a comparison of Western and non-Western countries.” MedGenMed, 2004. Accessed May 7th, 2019.

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Feldman M.B. and Meyer I.H. “Eating disorders in diverse lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations.” Int J Eat Disord, 2007. Accessed May 8th, 2019.

Martinsen, M. and Sundgot-Borgen, J. “Higher Prevalence of Eating Disorders among Adolescent Elite Athletes than Controls.” Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2013. Accessed May 9th, 2019.

Arcelus, J., Witcomb, G.L., Mitchell, A. “Prevalence of eating disorders amongst dancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Eur Eat Disord Rev, 2014. Accessed May 9th, 2019.

Raevuori, A., et al. “Epidemiology of anorexia nervosa in men: a nationwide study of Finnish twins.” PLoS One, 2009.  Accessed May 9th, 2019.

Bravender T, Bryant-Waugh R, Herzog D, et al. “Classification of eating disturbance in children and adolescents: proposed changes for the DSM-V.” Eur Eat Disord Rev, 2010. Accessed May 9th, 2019.

Sharpe, H., et al. “What are adolescents’ experiences of body dissatisfaction and dieting, and what do they recommend for prevention? A qualitative study.” Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 2013. Accessed May 9th, 2019.

Bardone-Cone, A. M., et al. “Perfectionism and eating disorders: current status and future directions.” Clin Psychol Rev, 2007. Accessed May 9th, 2019.

Levinson C.A., Rodebaugh T.L. “Social anxiety and eating disorder comorbidity: the role of negative social evaluation fears.” Eat Behav, 2011. Accessed May 9th, 2019.

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Arcelus, J., et al. “Mortality Rates in Patients With Anorexia Nervosa and Other Eating Disorders: A Meta-analysis of 36 Studies.” Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2011. Accessed May 9th, 2019.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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