There is no general cure that exists for anorexia, but through a blend of therapy, nutritional education and medicinal treatment, anorexia can be managed. Seeking an early diagnosis can significantly increase a person’s chances of success in recovery.
There is no general cure that exists for anorexia, but treatment is available, and recovery is possible. Through a blend of therapy, nutritional education and medicinal treatment, an eating disorder can be managed. Although only 1 in 10 individuals with anorexia receives treatment, recovery is possible. Seeking an early diagnosis can significantly increase a person’s chances of success in recovery.
The main objective of anorexia treatment is to restore the individual to a healthy weight, reduce negative self-image thoughts and treat any psychological difficulties related to or coexisting with the disorder. Attending long-term therapy may be necessary for patients to avoid relapse and to effectively manage related psychological issues. Some helpful styles of therapy often used for individuals with anorexia include psychotherapy orindividual counseling,group therapy,nutritional therapyandinpatient care.
Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a way to help individuals with a wide range of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. This process can help people with anorexia explore the specific causes behind their disorder and plan their roads to recovery.
Therapy may only last a few months, though it can last for years if necessary. Psychotherapy can help to normalize eating habits and obtain a healthy weight appropriate for the individual. Therapy can also assist the patient in exploring healthy habits to replace detrimental eating practices. An individual may also learn how to monitor their food intake and their stress to deal with situations that lead them to restrict food intake.
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Group or Family Therapy
Group andfamily therapyare effective forms of treatment and support for individuals struggling with eating disorders. There are numerous benefits from family involvement in eating disorder counseling, including education about the disease, support and acceptance, learning of interpersonal skills and confronting unhealthy behaviors.
Group therapywith other individuals experiencing aneating disordercan also be beneficial because it creates an environment in which the group members learn that they are not alone in their struggle. Members learn compassion and empathy for themselves and other people. This type of therapy is organized and usually takes approximately 10 to 20 sessions.
Group behavior therapy is goal-oriented and focuses on changing unhealthy thought patterns, which can lead to changes in behavior. If the family is involved in the anorexia therapy with the patient, they will learn how to help the loved one restore healthy eating patterns and attain a healthy weight until they are able to do it on their own.
Nutrition Counseling
A registered dietitian can help an individual with anorexia to better understand their eating disorder from a nutritional perspective.Nutrition counselingis an essential component of anorexia treatment as it helps to develop a plan to both reach and maintain healthy eating habits.
The purpose of nutritional counseling is to teach the person about how their eating disorder affects their body and about the problems it can cause. The counselor might assist the patient in an appropriate meal planning to promote positive eating patterns and to avoid binging and over-dieting. The individual may also be taught methods of correcting their health problems that have resulted from malnutrition.
A medically supervised diet can benefit both underweight and overweight patients and help return them to a healthy weight. Nutritional counseling can be a vital part of recovery and long-term success in treatment.
Inpatient Care
Eating disorder treatment centers are widespread throughout the United States. When a person with anorexia does not have a support system or if their condition is life-threatening,inpatient eating disorder treatmentmay be necessary.
Residential treatment for anorexia may be the best treatment option for individuals who have unsuccessfully attemptedoutpatient therapyand could benefit from being in a more controlled environment.
Residential treatment can reduce the effect that dysfunctional family relationships, negative influences, access to unhealthy foods and the lack of monitoring and supervision through treatment have on patients.
Many inpatient treatment centers have medical professionals available around the clock to treat the patients in a supportive atmosphere, surrounded by other individuals going through similar struggles.
While at home or in outpatient care, a person dealing with anorexia may feel like no one around them understands their struggles. In treatment, being among other people who can relate could help them cope with the changes in their lives.
An important goal of inpatient care is to alleviate serious medical symptoms or illnesses by initiating a plan to normalize eating and weight. Hospitalization for anorexia may be essential if the patient is unable to eat or gain weight.
Medications Used for Treating Anorexia
There are no prescription medications known to cure an eating disorder. However, there are some drugs that can help with anorexia treatment when combined with psychotherapy.
In some cases, a physician will suggest weight-gain drugs for a patient who is severely underweight. During and after treatment, patients should be monitored for the use of these drugs and be warned about the dangers that may result from their use.
Antidepressantsare common medications for treating eating disorders, including anorexia. Because many individuals who struggle with an eating disorder also experience depression or anxiety, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be used to treat their symptoms.
Treating Anorexia and Co-Occurring Conditions
Co-occurring disorders can hinder a person’s ability to recover from an eating disorder. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, up to50 percentof individuals with eating disorders suffer from clinical depression. Some reports state that 64 percent of individuals with eating disorders also struggle with anxiety disorders.
Overcoming anorexia may be difficult if the patient is alsoaddicted to drugs or alcoholin addition to their eating disorder. According to theNational Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a complex brain disease in which the body develops an uncontrollable urge to engage in substance use or other destructive behaviors. In the case of anorexia, the addiction could be the behavior of purging, over-exercise, binging or obsessively counting calories.
What begins as a voluntary choice to make small changes to lose weight can gradually become a compulsive behavior that involves an unhealthy desire to lose weight. Refraining from addictive actions can result in painful withdrawal symptoms, like anxiety, sweating and depression.
If you are or a loved one needs treatment for an eating disorder and a co-occurring drug or alcohol addiction, The Recovery Village can help. Our representatives may be able to advise you on eating disorder help and anorexia tips for recovery and guide you toward a treatment program that meets your needs. If you or a loved one suffers from anorexia and a drug or alcohol addiction,call The Recovery Villageto speak with a representative.