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Antisocial Personality Disorder Myths

Test your knowledge of antisocial personality disorder by checking out these myths. Is it sociopathy? What about psychopathy? Could it be both? Learn more here.

Individuals withantisocial personality disorder (ASPD), informally known as sociopaths, have a habit of behaving without considering the rights of others. Although people may refer to loners as being antisocial, an official diagnosis of ASPD must come from a health care professional.

Some individuals with ASPD may commit violent crimes. However, it is amisconception to believe that all people with antisocial personality disorderare violent criminals. People with ASPD usually need encouragement to seek help. Thus, it is important to understandantisocial personality disorder myths.

Popular facts andmyths about antisocial personality disorderare discussed below.

Myth #1: Antisocial personality disorder is untreatable.

Fact: Treatment for antisocial personality disorder is difficult, but can be effective.

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Personality disorders, like ASPD, cannot be cured, buttreatmentcan improve symptoms.Treatment options for antisocial personality disorderinclude medications and therapy. The medications prescribed most often for antisocial personality disorder are aggression-reducing medications, likephenytoin, and mood stabilizer medications, likequetiapine.Antisocial personality disorder therapy treatmentsattempt to help individuals with ASPD relate to others.

Therapies for antisocial personality disorderinclude:

  • Cognitive therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy

One hindrance to successful treatment can be co-occurring disorders like substance use or alcohol abuse. People with ASPD have a high rate ofco-occurring substance abuse and addiction.

Myth #2: Antisocial personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder are the same.

Fact: Antisocial personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder are two different personality disorders.

Antisocial personality disorder is a cluster B personality disorder, whileavoidant personality disorderis a cluster C personality disorder.The clusters, of which there are three, separate personality disorders based on differences.

Social interactions are difficult for bothantisocial personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder. A person with ASPD has trouble with relationships because they act without considering the feeling with others. By contrast, a person withavoidant personality disorderavoids intimacy and relationships out of fear that they will be judged or rejected.

Related Topic:Avoidant personality disorder treatment

Myth #3: Antisocial personality disorder is an excuse for poor behavior.

Fact: Individuals with antisocial personality disorder know the difference between right and wrong.

People with ASPD have a working conscience but may choose to ignore it. Thus, ASPD is not an excuse for bad behavior. The mainbehavior patternsassociated with antisocial personality disorderare:

  • Misrepresentation of self for gain
  • Impulsivity
  • Breaking the law
  • Aggression
  • Impenitence
  • Financial irresponsibility
  • Recklessness
  • Promiscuity

Many individuals with ASPD do end up in trouble with the law. The rate ofcriminal behavioramong those with antisocial personality disorderis high. However, not all criminals have ASPD.

Myth #4: Individuals with ASPD are psychopaths.

Fact: A person who is ASPD can be described as a sociopath.

First of all, psychopathy and sociopathy are notpsychiatric diagnoses. The word “psychopath” is commonly used to refer to someone who is amoral and antisocial. By contrast, the word “sociopath” is used to describe someone with antisocial behaviors.

Psychopathy is sometimes used to describe a person with severe sociopathy. The main difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is that sociopaths and people with ASPD have a working conscience.

Psychopaths have thesetraits:

  • Lack of remorse
  • Ruthlessness
  • Recklessness
  • Narcissism
  • Fake charm
  • Manipulativeness
  • Dishonesty
  • Insensitiveness

Individuals withantisocial personality disorder do have some of these psychopathic traits. However,antisocial personality disorder is the psychiatric diagnosis closest to sociopathy.

Sociopaths have thesetraits:

  • Manipulativeness
  • Dishonesty
  • Insensitiveness
  • Weak conscience

Myth #5: Antisocial personality disorder cannot be prevented.

Fact: Early identification of antisocial behaviors can lead to intervention and possible prevention of ASPD in some individuals.

Antisocial personality disordercan be preventedin some individuals.Scientistsstudied young children with a history of antisocial behavior. Intervention reduced the likelihood that those children would still have antisocial characteristics during their teenage years. The intervention also improved reading ability.

Interestingly, the intervention to prevent ASPD did not involve the child with antisocial behaviors. In the study, parents were the solution tohow to prevent antisocial personality disorder. Parents of antisocial children were provided with training that included:

  • How to play
  • What are appropriate rewards
  • How to give praise
  • How to set limits
  • How to deal with misbehavior

The scientists observed that the trained parents provided better supervision and expressed warmer emotions than the untrained parents. Thus, parenting intervention can prevent ASPD.

If you or someone you are close to is affected by a drug or alcohol addiction and a co-occurring mental health condition, pleasecall The Recovery Village. We have comprehensive treatment plans that can help you gain control of your life, and get you on the road to success.

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Khalifa, Najat; et al. “Pharmacological interventions for antisocial personality disorder.”  Cochrane Systematic Review – Intervention, August 4, 2010. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Walker, Candace; et al. “Treating Impulsivity, Irritability, and Aggression of Antisocial Personality Disorder with Quetiapine.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, October 1, 2003. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Cleveland Clinic. “Antisocial Personality Disorder: Management and Treatment.” November 20, 2017. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Burgess, Lana. “What are cluster B personality disorders?” Medical News Today, January 4, 2018. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Tartakovsky, Margarita. “Surprising Myths & Facts About Antisocial Personality Disorder.” Psych Central, July 8, 2018. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Smith, Kathleen. “Antisocial Personality Disorder.” PsyCom December 5, 2018. Accessed June 1, 2019.

National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (UK). “Antisocial Personality Disorder: Treatment, Management, and Prevention.” 2010. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Venosa, Ali. “Psychopath Definition May Be Different Than You Thought: 7 Facts About Psychopaths.” Medical Daily, November 11, 2015. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Hermann, Henry R. “Psychopathy.” Dominance and Aggression in Humans and Other Animals The Great Game of Life, 2017. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Tracy, Natasha. “Psychopathic Personality and How It Develops.” HealthyPlace, May 31, 2019. Accessed June 1, 2019.

LeBano, Lauren. “Early Intervention May Prevent Antisocial Personality Disorder.” Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Learning Network, March 28, 2014. Accessed June 1, 2019.

Scott, Stephen, et. al. “Early Prevention of Antisocial Personality: Long-Term Follow-Up of Two Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing Indicated and Selective Approaches.” The American Journal of Psychiatry, June 1, 2014. Accessed June 1, 2019.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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