Anxiety is a healthy human emotion, but the experience can be uncomfortable. Anxiety is felt and expressed through both psychological and physical sensations.
Anxiety is a healthy human emotion, and most people can cope with short periods of it. However, for some people, short bouts ofanxietycan develop into a persistent and disruptive problem, like ananxiety disorder.What does anxiety feel liketo most people? The sensations of anxiety are common and easy to notice. However, every individual has a unique perspective and experience.
Psychological Sensations
In small doses, themental and emotional effects of anxietycan help a person feel alert and ready for anything. However, an extended period of anxiety can feel unsettling. Thepsychological effects of an anxiety disordercan be even more disruptive, requiring therapy or medication to manage effectively.
- Inability to Relax.A person with anxiety often feels a sense of constant mental activity, creating aninability to relax. Anxietycan make it seem that a person’s mental focus is almost always switched on. The brain has difficulty taking a break and emotions stay elevated as well. Without the ability to relax effectively, periods of anxiety can be mentally tiring.
- High Level of Distress.Everyone has moments when they feel mildly stressed with a few worrisome thoughts. However, when people experience extendedanxiety, distressing thoughtsare constantly moving through their mind. When this happens, even smaller problems can add to the mental strain. Because these feelings are persistent, individuals with anxiety can feel like everyday life is a struggle.
- Constant Worry.Worrying can keep an anxious mind busy, but it does little to make a person feel better. People withworry and anxietytend to imagine negative outcomes for many ordinary events and situations. Most are beyond anyone’s control, like the weather and other people’s thoughts or behaviors. Continuous worry is usually excessive when compared to the problems faced.
- Rumination.Rumination is the excessive mental repetition of thoughts or problems. For a person withanxiety, ruminationcan mean their thoughts seem to run on a mental racetrack around the same path. It may seem productive, but it rarely leads to solutions. The repetition makes the negative thoughts stronger.
Physical Sensations
What doesanxietyfeel like physically?The experience can feel stimulating and energizing. However, these sensations can also feel overwhelming. During periods of stress or anxiety, a person’s sympathetic nervous system is highly active. The nervous system sends signals to all parts of the body. According toHarvard Medical School,this activity within the nervous system creates a fight-or-flight response. This response prepares the body to take quick action to protect itself and survive a perceived threat. The body’s reaction can cause significant distress when it occurs frequently or for extended periods.
- Rapid Heartbeat.When experiencinganxiety, a rapid, irregular heartbeatis easy to recognize. A person’s strong heartbeat may cause a pulsing sensation in the neck or chest. The increased blood flow quickly pumps freshly oxygenated blood around the body. A rapid heartbeat may be helpful in an actual fight-or-flight situation. However, it can add fear and stress to an already stressful situation.
- Insomnia.Insomniais a disruptive and frustrating symptom of anxiety. Insomnia can mean having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up too early, according to theMayo Clinic website. A person feeling anxiety may have difficulty feeling relaxed enough to get a full night of rest. With low-quality sleep, everyday activities can be a challenge. This pattern can sometimes lead to more periods ofanxiety and insomniatogether.
- Grinding Teeth.Teeth grinding can be a sign of anxiety, but many people are unaware that they do it. Increased muscle tension is one possible cause ofteeth grinding. Anxietycan also cause prolonged periods of muscle tension. A person experiencing anxiety may notice more headaches, jaw pain or worn spots on some teeth. Many people clench or grind their teeth in the night. It can also happen during the daytime, according to theNational Health Service in the United Kingdom.
- Nausea.Anxiety and nauseaare two experiences that often happen together. Anxiety can disturb a person’s digestive system, causing them to feel nauseous at times. For a person who truly needs to fight or flee in a life-threatening situation, an empty stomach is best. The stress response dials down the hunger signals and even makes a person turn away from food. When nausea develops every day, a person with frequent bouts of anxiety may lose weight without trying.
- Sweating.Sweating is one of the more unpleasant aspects of anxiety. When people start sensing anxiety, sweating can quickly develop on their palms and underarms. Hormones stimulate the release of sweat to help cool the body quickly. The stress response can also occur when a person is sleeping, causing nights sweats. Anxiety stimulates this response to prepare the body for self-defense. However, it can also make a person feel embarrassed.
- Shortness of Breath.One of the more alarming symptoms of anxiety isshortness of breath. Anxietyoften causes people to take shallow breaths instead of deeper, more oxygenated breaths. The lungs can feel tight, creating a smothering sensation. This cycle tends to heighten feelings of anxiety and perpetuate shallow breathing.
- Dizziness.Anxiety and dizzinessoften occur at the same time. The inner ear and surrounding brain tissue are called the vestibular system. This system is responsible for a person’s sense of balance according to theAcademy of Neurological Physical Therapy. When the parts of the brain related to anxiety symptoms interact with this system, a sense of lightheadedness can occur. In turn, dizziness can also lead to feelings of anxiety.
- Headache.Anxiety headachescan be persistent and uncomfortable. Some are considered tension headaches, which feel like a tight band around a person’s forehead. Migraines are more severe long-lasting headaches that can also lead to vomiting and light sensitivity. Both types of headaches can cause discomfort and disruption to a person’s daily activities.
How to Handle Anxiety
Anxiety can range from mildly distressing to severely disruptive. Some people may find relief using healthy coping skills, like creating ananxiety crisis kitortaking specific vitamins. Other people may benefit from seeking support from friends and family. Medication or therapy can help a person with anxiety function well each day. Exercise can train the body to relax after a period of activity.
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Anxiety can seem distressing at times. However,anxiety disorders can be treated. Some people usedrugs or alcohol to manage anxiety, but these are not healthy coping mechanisms. There are many positive ways to reduce symptoms and improve daily stress management.
Some people may use drugs and alcohol to self-medicate when dealing with anxiety, or these substances may contribute to anxiety. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and co-occurring anxiety, help is available.Call The Recovery Villageto learn more about treatment programs for substance abuse and co-occurring mental health conditions.