Bipolar disorder is a complex mood disorder that affects many aspects of a person’s life. Learn what it’s like to live with bipolar disorder to better understand how it affects people.
Bipolar disorder belongs to a category of psychiatric conditions called mood disorders. This classification is because bipolar disorderis characterized byalternating states of “highs” and “lows” that greatly affect one’s life. Living with bipolar disorder isn’t easy and it can affect a person’s life in many ways.
What Does Bipolar Disorder Feel Like?
Bipolar disorder has been described by some people as a state of living between two extremes. These two extremes are called mania (the highs) and depression (the lows). The disorder can also be viewed as a battle of the mind as a person alternates between manic and depressive moods. Bipolar disorder feels different for every person and it can present with a wide spectrum of symptoms. Generally, the types of symptoms are characterized by threedistinct states: mania, depression and “the middle.”
Bipolar Mania
Maniais the term used to describe the periods of high, energetic moods that bipolar individuals experience. But what does mania feel like? There are a variety of bipolar mania symptoms, including:
- High energy levels or activity
- Racing and erratic thought patterns
- A decreased need for sleep
- Impulsive decision making (such as promiscuous sexual behavior or impulsive spending)
- Feelings of grandiosity
- Psychotic symptoms (delusions and hallucinations)
Although the term “high” is frequently used to describe manic episodes, this doesn’t mean that mania feels good. Sometimes it can feel good, but other times it can be extremely distressing for an individual with bipolar disorder. Mania can also be dangerous, particularly if a person is prone to the more psychotic-like symptoms of mania.
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Bipolar Depression
Depression is the term used to describe the periods of low moods that people living with bipolar experience. Bipolar depression symptoms include:
- Feeling sad or worthless
- Lack of interest in activities that the person usually enjoys
- Low energy levels
- Difficulty sleeping
- The inability to complete simple tasks
- Thinking about suicide or death
So what does bipolar depression feel like? Some people say it can feel like the worst time of their life.Depressed statesare common among people with bipolar disorder. For some people, they spend longer periods in the depressed state than in any other.
“The Middle”
Finally, there is a middle state featuring periods of bipolar stability. This middle state can be short and infrequent for some people or more enduring and common for others. It largely depends on how well an individual manages their bipolar disorder (e.g., if they are on medication, if they are participating in therapy, etc.).
How Does Bipolar Disorder Affect Everyday Life?
There are many challenges of living with bipolar disorder, and bipolar effects on daily life can be devastating. The disorder can affect many aspects of everyday life, such as relationships, family life and work.
Bipolar Disorder and Relationships
Bipolar episodes greatly affect one’s personal relationships.Research suggeststhat people with bipolar disorder and their romantic partners struggle with the impact of bipolar disorder on their lives and relationships. Neither bipolar individuals nor their spouses are able to accurately assess the impact of bipolar disorder on their partner’s lives. Because of this disconnect, it can be a great strain on the relationship.
Friendships can be hard to maintain as well. Maintaining relationships with people living with bipolar disorder can be frustrating for everyone involved because of the complexity and instability often associated with the disorder.
Bipolar Disorder and Families
The effects that bipolar disorder can have on families is also a challenge people must live with. Members of a family in which one of the parents have bipolar disorderhave difficulty communicating effectivelywith one another. When familieshave a bipolar parent, they have less cohesion, less organization and more conflict. Because of how bipolar disorder affects families, these families may want to consider participating in counseling or therapy together.
Bipolar Disorder in the Workplace
Bipolar disorder can also affect a person’s career. The effects can be so dramatic that some people with bipolar disorder can’t work at all. Bipolar disorder in the workplace is often fraught with interpersonal problems due to mood fluctuations and erratic behavior by those with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorderresults ina lack of continuity in work history and people may feel stigmatized in their workplace.
Tips for Managing Bipolar Disorder
Managing bipolar disordercan be difficult. People who are most successful with managing their bipolar disorder tend to do so while using a combination of medication and therapy. However, there are other tips for dealing with bipolar disorder.
For example, learning to cope with stress can help manage bipolar episodes. Here are some tips for dealing with stress:
- Practice mindfulness techniques
- Avoid drugs and alcohol
- Get physical exercise
- Talk to someone