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Claustrophobia Statistics and Facts

While claustrophobia can be difficult to live with, many people with the condition do not seek treatment. Statistics reveal the prevalence of claustrophobia, along with effective treatment options.

The thought of being trapped in a confined space is unappealing to most people. However, a small percentage of people have an intense fear of confined spaces, even when there is no real threat of danger. This condition is referred to asclaustrophobia, and it can be highly distressing for individuals affected by it. Claustrophobia is known as a specific phobia; aclass of phobiasthat stem from specific things or experiences, such as spiders, heights or confined spaces. In general, specific phobias, including claustrophobia, are considered a type ofanxiety disorder.

People who experience claustrophobia may befearful or triggeredby a range of experiences, including:

  • Using an elevator
  • Traveling in confined vehicles, such as a locked car or airplane
  • Going through tunnels or revolving doors
  • Getting an MRI

While these moments may be fleeting and may not pose any real threat, they can be extremely anxiety-provoking for someone with claustrophobia.Claustrophobia statisticsshow that thesigns or symptomsof claustrophobia can include:

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  • Sweating
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Feeling faint
  • Increased heartbeat

Claustrophobia factsalso suggest that people who have claustrophobia may experience anxiety in anticipation of being in enclosed spaces, as well as fear of losing control or fear of death.

How Common Is Claustrophobia?

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorder, and specific phobias are themost prevalentin this category. It is estimated that12.5%of U.S. adults will experience a specific phobia in their lifetime; however, many do not seek treatment.

Claustrophobia is relativelycommon, with a review of specific phobia research estimating that approximately2.2%of the population experience a fear of enclosed spaces.Claustrophobia prevalenceis higheramong womenand tends to emerge for the first time inadolescence or early adulthood.

Rates of Claustrophobia and Co-Occurring Conditions

Although claustrophobia includes anxiety-like symptoms, it can also co-occur with a diagnosis of ananxietyorpanic disorder. For example, people who may already struggle with general anxiety or experiencepanic attacksmay be more susceptible to a fear of enclosed spaces.

The occurrence of specific phobias andother disorders is high, particularly with major depression and other anxiety disorders. Those who experience claustrophobia may also have other specific phobias such as a fear ofheights or the sight of blood. Specific phobias arehighly comorbidwith mood disorders, and people with claustrophobia may experience general anxiety or panic attacks.

Claustrophobia Risk Factors

It can be difficult to pinpoint where a fear of enclosed spaces may have originated, but there are severalclaustrophobia risk factors. In some cases, this fear or anxiety may beinherited or learned. For those who have had a traumatic event related to a closed space or feeling trapped, claustrophobia may be associated withthis experience.

Impact of Claustrophobia

Claustrophobia can bedisruptive to daily life, and this phobia has been noted as one of themost impairing. People who are claustrophobic may avoid everyday situations that trigger their anxiety, includingdriving, using anelevatoror entering windowless rooms. In a health care setting, claustrophobia is highly reported duringMRI scans, an essential tool for health screening.

Claustrophobia Treatment and Prognosis

Despite the disruption caused by claustrophobia, reports show that a low percentage of those affected by it seek help —just 7.8%. Many mayavoid seeking treatmentfor fear of being exposed to an enclosed space. However, seeking help can result in a better quality of life. Many strategies can help reduce the impact of claustrophobia on daily life and improve theprognosis of claustrophobia. Someclaustrophobia treatmentsmay include:

  • Exposure therapy
  • Imaging an enclosed space, either through imagination or virtual reality
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Cognitive therapy techniques

Thebest treatment for claustrophobiacan vary from person to person. If you or a loved one is affected byclaustrophobia and a co-occurring substance use disorder, contact The Recovery Village today at844.980.0026to discuss how we may be able to help.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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