Diabulimia may not be well-known. However, current statistics show that the condition is relatively common and can create widespread harm to a person’s body and mind when left untreated.
People withdiabulimiahave insulin-dependent diabetes and intentionally avoid or use lower levels of insulin throughout the day to control weight gain. Diabulimia is not currently an officialmental health conditionrecognized by the American Psychiatric Association. However, statistics show that this phenomenon affects a significant number of people.
Prevalence of Diabulimia
Compared to othereating disorders, diabulimia has only been recognized for a short time. The first reported incidents of diabulimia only date back to the early 1980s. Despite its recency, diabulimia affects people asyoung as 13 or as old as 60.
- Diabulimia in Men:Females tend to have eating disorders more frequently than males. Though diabulimia is no exception to this general trend, men can also develop the condition. Whereas about one-third of females will restrict insulin to lose weight, aboutone-sixth of males with type 1 diabetes, or about 17%, will do the same.
- Diabulimia Among Adolescents:Diabulimia is common in adolescents. Regardless of sex, about30% of adolescents with type 1 diabeteswill skip or reduce insulin to lose weight. Teens who have a negative view of their diabetes are more likely than others to restrict insulin use. This group also tends to exhibit higher rates of disordered eating overall.
Diabulimia and Type 1 Diabetes
There is a strong relationship between eating disorders and diabetes. Nearly26 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and at least 30% of females with diabetes have an eating disorder at some point.
Diabulimiais just one type of eating disorder a person with diabetes may have. Because people with diabetes tend to have poorer self-images and focus more on their diet and eating habits than members of the general population, they often have a higher risk of developing anyeating disorder. However, diabulimia is much more likely to occur in people with type 1 diabetes, largely because people with type 2 diabetes don’t respond as dramatically to insulin changes.
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Many studies of diabulimia examine the impact the condition has on women. TheNational Eating Disorder Associationreports that women with type 1 diabetes are approximately 2.5 times more likely to have an eating disorder and about two times more likely to have disordered eating than members of the general population. A review of studies also found that as many as 35% of women will restrict insulin to lose weight at some point in their life.
Diabulimia and Co-Occurring Health Conditions
People with eating disorders tend to havehigh ratesof co-occurring mental health conditions. Of people with eating disorders severe enough torequire hospitalization:
- 94% have mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder
- More than 50% have anxiety disorders
- 20% have obsessive-compulsive disorder
- 22% have post-traumatic stress disorder
- 22% have substance use disorders
Diabetes commonly co-occurs with mental health conditions like:
- Substance use, especially alcohol and tobacco
- Mood disorders, with a50%higher chance of having depression
- Anxiety disorders
- Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Diabulimia Mortality Rates
People with diabetes tend to have a shorter lifespan than others, but people with diabulimia die much earlier than people with diabetes alone. A study of women with diabetes found people with diabulimia died an average of13 years earlierthan people with only diabetes. Diabulimiadamages the body, causing:
- Dehydration
- High blood sugar
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Heart attacks
- Stroke
- Vision problems
- Kidney disease
- Nervous system dysfunction
- Infertility
By avoiding behaviors linked to diabulimia, a person can add years to their life.
Diabulimia Treatment and Prognosis
Proper diagnosis and treatment of diabulimia drastically improves a person’s prognosis and recovery. A thorough evaluation from a mental health, physical health or nutrition professional is a fantastic first step.
Effectivetreatments for diabulimiamay include:
- Psychoeducation to communicate information about the dangers of diabulimia
- Medical evaluation to identify serious physical ailments
- Motivational interviewing
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
Diabulimia treatment should always target co-occurring disorders as well for maximum benefit. If you or someone you know has co-occurringdiabulimia and addiction, callThe Recovery Villagetoday. Their expert treatments can resolve the diabulimia and get you on the path to recovery.