From “being dramatic” to “it’s all in your head,” there are many myths about generalized anxiety disorder. Understanding the realities of anxiety can help those affected and their loved ones.
Generalized anxiety disorderis marked by excessive worry. As with many mental health conditions,myths about generalized anxiety disorderare common as the condition is not well understood by the general population. Since many Americans suffer from this condition, it is important to know thefacts about generalized anxiety disorder. Gaining a betterunderstanding of generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) can help people get the treatment they need, and friends and family members can better support their loved ones who have anxiety.
1. Myth: People with GAD blow everything out of proportion.
Fact: It’s not about drama.
While it may be frustrating and tempting to see generalized anxiety disorder as simply a matter of being dramatic, for someone experiencing this condition, the worry is difficult or impossible to control. While you may feel worried about an upcoming test, someone with generalized anxiety disorder may fixate on the worst-case scenario and it will cause them significant distress and even physical symptoms.
2. Myth: Because it’s generalized, GAD isn’t that bad.
Fact: GAD can be quite severe.
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Generalized anxiety disorder cannegativelyimpacta person’slife. Diagnosis of the disorder requires the presence ofphysical symptoms, such as:
- Fatigue
- Restlessness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Muscle tension
- Sleep issues
In addition to these physical symptoms, a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder requires the anxiety to be severe enough to prevent someone from functioning optimally in different areas of his or her life. If the person cannot control the worry and it causes him or her significant distress, generalized anxiety disorder may be present, and telling someone to calm down will not be helpful.
3. Myth: People with GAD fake panic attacks to get attention.
Fact:Panic attacks are not fake.
Whilepanic disorderandgeneralized anxiety disorderare different conditions, they are not mutually exclusive, and people with panic disorder are not faking these attacks for attention. In fact,28.3%of people will have a panic attack throughout their lifetime, and many of these people won’t be diagnosed with panic disorder. The symptoms of apanic attackcan be so severe that the condition is sometimes mistaken for aheart attack. Although people have associatedgeneralized anxiety disorder with panic attacks, each of these conditions can exist without the other.
4. Myth: Generalized anxiety disorder is rare.
Fact: GAD is relatively common.
Generalized anxiety disorder statisticsshow that this condition is not rare. So, exactlyhow common is generalized anxiety disorder? The lifetimeprevalence of generalized anxietyis approximately7.7%in women and4.6%in men. Overall, generalized anxiety disorder affects roughly6.8 million Americansa year.
5. Myth: Generalized Anxiety disorder is always obvious.
Fact: GAD can be invisible to the outside observer.
While some people may worry and panic outwardly, others suffer in silence.There are physical signs of generalized anxiety disorder, such aspalpitations and trembling; however, since everyone is different,warning signs of generalized anxiety disordermay appear differently in each individual. Some of the warning signs include:
- Worrying excessively about everyday issues
- Trouble controlling thoughts
- Nervousness
- Worrying more than usual
- Feeling on edge
- Easily startled
Just because someone isn’t exhibiting obvious symptoms doesn’t mean they are not affected by GAD.
6. Myth: Generalized anxiety disorder has no physical symptoms.
Fact: GAD can absolutely affect someone physically.
Even though GAD is amental health condition, it can cause very real symptoms in the body.Physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorderinclude:
- Sweating
- Trembling or shaking
- Difficulty swallowing
- Excessive restroom use
- Headaches, stomach aches or unexplained pains
All of these symptoms must not be attributable to another illness in order to diagnose someone with generalized anxiety disorder and must be present with other diagnostic criteria.
7. Myth: People with generalized anxiety do not enjoy socializing.
Fact: Individuals with GAD can be social people.
Some people withgeneralized anxiety disordermay have social-based worries such as fear of public speaking, and may miss out on work opportunities due to fear of saying the wrong thing; however, this is not necessarily the case.
Generalized vs. social anxietycan be easily confused due to some overlapping symptoms; however, they are different. While people with generalized anxiety disorder experience fears and worries about multiple concerns,social anxietyis very specific to social situations. About8% of peoplewill experience social anxiety in their lifetime.
8. Myth: All anxiety medications are addictive, so you shouldn’t take them.
Fact: Not all anxiety medications are addictive.
While some medications such asbenzodiazepinescan be habit forming, most commonly used anxiety medications, such as antidepressants, are not addictive. However, they still need to be used responsibly and according to directions. Some anxiety medications do cause symptoms when an individual stops using them, a phenomenon called “discontinuation syndrome.” To minimize these symptoms, individuals should come off these medications gradually, with medical supervision.
9. Myth: Medication is the only way to manage generalized anxiety.
Fact: Many treatment methods exist to help manage generalized anxiety disorder.
Everybody’s journey to recovery from anxiety is different, but most experts agree that counseling is an effective option whether or not someone uses medication.Therapy for generalized anxiety disorderis effective, especiallycognitive behavioral therapy, which allows someone to challenge their fears and insecurities in order to overcome them.Alternativeanxiety treatment optionsmay include other types of therapy or relaxation techniques, but they can be combined in a way that works for the individual.
10. Myth: There’s nothing you can do to help someone with GAD.
Fact: Empathy is the first step to help someone with GAD.
It might seem difficult to knowhow to help somebody with generalized anxiety disorder,but trying your best to understand and listen to what they’re going through is a great first step. It is also good to watch out for signs that someone might be using substances such as alcohol or drugs to help manage their anxiety on their own.
If you recognize that someone you love may need help to overcomegeneralized anxiety disorder and a co-occurring substance use disorder, The Recovery Village can help.Call todayto learn more about getting the help you or someone you love may need to recover.