People with hypersomnia may sleep excessively or at inappropriate times. Learn how to identify and address symptoms of hypersomnia.
While the occasional afternoon nap can be restorative and even beneficial, excessive sleep or sleepiness during the day — known ashypersomnia— can be disruptive to everyday life. Importantly, hypersomnia is characterized by the overwhelming need for sleep atinappropriate times, such as during a meal or mid-conversation, and symptoms usually do not improve following sleep. Daily feelings of fatigue can significantly impact work, home and social life.
Sleep plays an important role in feeling rested and alert and contributes towell-being and productivity. However, with the increasing role of technology and extended work days in modern society,reports of sleep problemsare increasing.
Prevalence of Hypersomnia
Although asignificant portion of the populationreport not getting enough sleep, theprevalence of hypersomniais estimated to be between4–6%of the population.Several groupsmight be more likely to experience hypersomnia, including people with anothersleep disorderor people with irregular schedules, such as shift workers. Sleep difficulties are more commonly reportedin womenthan in men.
Diagnosing Hypersomnia
A diagnosis of hypersomnia goes beyond reports of not getting a good night’s sleep or occasionaldaytime sleepiness. Hypersomnia can be a result of several causes, and the exact origin of daytime sleepiness can be challenging to determine.
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To be diagnosed with hypersomnia, a person must:
- Have symptoms daily forat least three months
- Have sleepiness symptoms that are not improved by a good night’s rest
- Experience symptoms that are not easily explained by another sleep disorder or illness
The process ofdiagnosing hypersomniausually involves a score of 10 or above on theEpworth Sleepiness Scale, which asks people to rate how likely they are to doze off or fall asleep in different situations. Diagnosis can also include reporting or observing certain characteristics, such as difficulty falling asleep or abnormal REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
Hypersomnia can also be diagnosed as a consequence ofanother sleep-related condition, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy. In general, hypersomnia may be diagnosed where excessive daytime sleepiness is not better explained by another condition.
Hypersomnia and Co-Occurring Conditions
Hypersomnia can occur alongsidea range of conditionsthat may disrupt healthy sleep.Sleep apneais noted as one of theleading causesof hypersomnia, which is more common in men. People withnarcolepsy— a sleep disorder characterized by short, sudden bursts of deep sleep — alsofrequently reportexcessive daytime sleepiness.
Sleep and mental health are closely linked. Sleep disturbance is a common symptom ofdepression, and poor sleep can worsen mood. Since people with hypersomnia are often short on sleep, they oftendisplay symptomssimilar toattention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as difficulty focusing or poor cognitive performance. As excessive daytime sleepiness can be quite disruptive to normal functioning, some people may usemedications, alcohol or illicit drugsto encourage sleep.
Statistics on Hypersomnia Treatment
There are several treatment options for excessive daytime sleepiness, andtreatment for hypersomniacan be tailored once the source of hypersomnia is understood. Treatment strategies may include:
- Various medications to increase daytime alertness
- Sleep hygiene practices
- Management of co-occurring disorders, like sleep apnea or depression
Excessive daytime sleepiness can take a toll on mental and physical well being, and disrupt the ability to live life normally. If you or someone you care about is abusing substances as a way to cope with hypersomnia,contact The Recovery Village todayto discuss our comprehensive treatment options.