People may view their difficulties with insomnia treatment as a reason to use additional substances to induce sleep. Substance use further disrupts the sleep cycle and can worsen someone’s insomnia.
Drug Abuse as a Hindrance to Insomnia Treatment
Substance use may cause poor treatment adherence for manymental healthdiagnoses.Substance abuseduringtreatment for insomniais particularly troubling. Substance use further disrupts the sleep cycle and can worsen someone’sinsomnia. A lack of progress in treatment caused by substance use is likely to discourage the patient from continuing to treat insomnia. People may view their difficulties with insomnia treatment as a reason to use additional substances to induce sleep.
Effects of Substance Abuse on Insomnia Symptoms
Substances that create a feeling of relaxation, such asalcoholoropioids, may appear to help with sleep. Despite creating feelings of relaxation and helping a person drift off to sleep, substance use prevents deep, restorative sleep cycles. Some people may find that after falling asleep with ease after using drugs or alcohol, they wake throughout the night and won’t feel refreshed after sleep ends.
Other substances, such asmethamphetaminesandLSD, may prevent sleep altogether. A person who does not sleep at all while using substances and then excessively sleeps when coming down from a high is likely to replicate equally ineffective sleep patterns when not under the influence.
Insomnia and Alcohol
Many people associate alcohol use and insomnia due to the belief that alcohol can help with sleep. Approximately 20–25 percent of adults use alcohol to help them sleep. Alcohol may assist with falling asleep but prevents restful sleep. Even if alcohol is not used to assist with sleep, the substance may interfere with sleep quality if consumed within three hours of bedtime.
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Chronic, heavy alcoholuse may prevent deep sleep and inhibit the dream cycle. Heavy alcohol use can have serious consequences on sleep patterns. Insomnia andalcohol withdrawaloften occur together. In some cases, when substances no longer inhibit the dream cycle and a person gets some sleep, they may experience extremely vivid dreams.
Marijuana Abuse and Insomnia
Marijuanais the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States. Many people believe that marijuana can help treat insomnia due to its reputation for inducing a calm state. However, studies show that marijuana impairs sleep and can alter a person’s circadian rhythm.
Insomnia and Stimulants
Stimulants, includingprescriptionand non-prescription drugs, have the most significant impact on sleep. Stimulants inhibit sleep and depending on usage patterns can prevent sleep for multiple consecutive days. Some of the most damaging stimulants for sleep include:
Each substance associated with a pattern of staying awake for excessively long periods of time due to increased energy and motivation to participate in activities, followed by longer-than-normal periods of sleep. The excessive sleep when of the effects of stimulant drugs diminish is frequently non-restorative.
Drug Abuse as a Cause of Insomnia
Substance use often leads to unhealthy sleep habits, which may cause insomnia and is a common problem during early recovery from substance use disorders. Many people have trouble sleeping when first stopping substance use. The difficulty sleeping may trigger a recurrence of use. Whether substance use causes insomnia or vice versa, it is important to treat both conditions simultaneously.
Treating Insomnia with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse
Cognitive behavioral therapyfocuses on changing thoughts and behaviors, which leads to altered feelings. This approach is helpful for both insomnia and substance use disorders. When treating these as co-occurring conditions, a person should view insomnia as a possible trigger for a recurrence of use. Acknowledging the importance of sleep and the impact insomnia can have on recovery can lead to better outcomes during treatment.
If you or someone you know struggles with substance abuse and insomnia, considercontacting The Recovery Village.Representatives are available to provide an over-the-phone assessment of whether you or your loved one’s use of drugs or alcohol could be causing unhealthy sleeping habits. Additionally, these knowledgeable phone representatives can help you with the appropriate treatment method to begin recovery from substance abuse.