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Orthorexia Statistics

Though orthorexia is not yet officially recognized as a mental health disorder, statistics show the prevalence of orthorexia is increasing.

Orthorexia nervosais a condition defined as an excessive preoccupation with eating healthy food. Often, this obsession with tracking and limiting food interferes with a person’s daily life, affecting their normal routines, social activities and stress levels. In severe cases, orthorexia can cause malnutrition and related health problems. However, it’s important to keep in mind that orthorexia is distinct fromanorexia nervosa, which involves deliberate malnutrition to lose weight.

Currently, the American Psychiatric Association does not recognize orthorexia as an eating disorder ormental health condition. However, with the prevalence of orthorexia increasing, many doctors and professional groups are beginning to acknowledge that it is a condition that needs to be taken seriously. Learning some keyorthorexia factsandstatisticscan help people better understand how this condition develops and who is at the highest risk of developing it.

Prevalence of Orthorexia

Sinceorthorexiais not yet officially classified as a medical condition, it has not been studied as much as othereating disorders. A couple of studies have estimated that orthorexia impacts between1%and7%of the general population. The prevalence of orthorexia has increased in recent years, likely in connection with the rise of social media. Arecent studyfound that 49% of study participants who followed healthy eating accounts on Instagram met criteria for orthorexia.

Orthorexia in Men vs. Women

Orthorexia occursmore oftenin womenthan it doesin men, though additional studies need to be conducted to pinpoint prevalence in both groups. In general, marketing campaigns and the media tend to emphasize the importance of women’s appearances and health more than men’s. As a result, women are much more likely to develop eating disorders, includinganorexia nervosa,bulimia nervosaandbinge eating disorder.

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Orthorexia Among College Students

Orthorexia is particularlycommon incollege students. One study found that over25%of students at university experience symptoms of orthorexia.

The type of program that a student is enrolled in can increase their risk of developing orthorexia. Those who study a health or fitness-oriented subject are far more likely to develop orthorexia than unrelated subjects. For example, one study found that as many as85%of students in an exercise science program experienced symptoms of orthorexia.

Orthorexia Among Athletes

Orthorexia in athletesis fairly common. Fitness-minded individuals are perhaps the most likely demographic to develop this condition. Focusing on physical fitness and well-being goes hand-in-hand with strict diets that only allow the consumption of nutritious or “clean” foods.

Among non-professional athletes, including people who go to the gym regularly, orthorexia occurrence is thought to be around52%. Individuals who participate in specialized activities that emphasize healthy lifestyles have especially high rates of orthorexia. For example, one study showed that as many as86%of yoga instructors surveyed showed symptoms of orthorexia.

Orthorexia and Co-Occurring Disorders

In many cases, mental health disorders such asdepressionandanxietycan contribute to the development of an eating disorder. The symptoms of orthorexia are associated with symptoms of other mental health conditions, especially anxiety andobsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Because of the common underlying factors of these mental health conditions, orthorexia often occurs at the same time as othereating disorders, mental health disorders andsubstance use disorders.

Orthorexia and Other Eating Disorders

Orthorexia often occurs alongside othereating disorders. While there are many key differences between different eating disorders, orthorexia shares many symptoms withanorexiaandbulimia. Such commonalities include:

  • Guilt over food transgressions (“cheating” on a diet)
  • Health-related anxiety
  • Mental rigidity
  • Impaired working memory
  • Self-image concerns

Orthorexia and OCD

Orthorexia andOCDhave many symptoms in common, including:

  • High levels of anxiety
  • The need to exert control
  • Perfectionism
  • Concern with contamination
  • Ritualized patterns
  • Recurrent, intrusive thoughts

Orthorexia and Health Risk Factors

People with orthorexia often restrict the amount of food they eat or eliminate whole food groups from their diet, which can result in mild to severemalnutrition. A person restricting their diet in such a way might not get enough vitamins or minerals each day, or enough protein or essential fatty acids. These nutritional deficiencies can lead to both short-term andlong-term health risks.

Malnutrition and orthorexia canincrease a person’s riskfor:

  • Osteopenia and osteoporosis (bone density loss)
  • Anemia (low iron)
  • Hyponatremia (low sodium)
  • Metabolic acidosis
  • Low blood cell counts
  • Testosterone deficiency
  • Emphysema
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Digestive troubles

People with orthorexia may also experience many short-term health problems, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep disorders
  • Slow heart rate
  • Dry skin
  • Brittle hair
  • Digestive troubles

Orthorexia Treatment and Prognosis

Fortunately, like other eating disorders, help is available for people living with orthorexia. Since the condition is still new to the medical community, there is currently no standard clinical treatment plan available for the disorder. However, many medical professionals treat the condition in much the same way they treat anorexia.

Anorthorexia treatment plantypically involves amultidisciplinary approach. A physician (general practitioner), psychotherapist (counselor) and nutritionist may all be involved. Usually, treatment takes place in an outpatient setting, except for cases with extreme malnutrition or weight loss, in which case an inpatient program may be needed.

Often, orthorexia can be successfully managed withcognitive behavioral therapy. A trained counselor can teach healthy thought patterns regarding stress management and food. Anti-anxiety medications can be helpful as well.

In cases where orthorexia co-occurs with other mental health conditions, like addiction, comprehensive, inpatient care that addresses both disorders may be necessary. If you or a loved one live withco-occurring orthorexia and substance use disorder, reach out to The Recovery Village for more information about your treatment options.Call a representative todayto get started.

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Barthels, Friederike and Pietowsky, Reinhard. “Orthorectic Eating Behaviour – Nosology and Prevalence Rates.” Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 2012. Accessed April 11, 2019.
Luck-Sikorski, Claudia; Jung, Franziska; Schlosser, Katharina; and Riedel-Heller Steffi G. “Is orthorexic behavior common in the general public? A large representative study in Germany.” Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, April 2019. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Turner, Pixie G. and Lefevre, Carmen E. “Instagram use is linked to increased symptoms of orthorexia nervosa.” Eating and Weight Disorders, 2017. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Dell’Osso, Liliana; Abelli, Marianna; Caprita, Barbara; Massimetti, Gabriele; Pini, Stefano; Rivetti, Luigi; Gorrasi, Federica; Tognetti, Rosalba; Ricca, Valdo; and Carmassi, Claudia. “Orthorexia nervosa in a sample of Italian university population.” Rivista di Psichiatria2016. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Bo, Simona; Zoccali, Rossana; Ponzo, Valentina; Soldati, Laura; De Carli, Luca; Benso, Andrea; Fea, Elisabetta; Rainoldi, Alberto; Durazzo, Marilena; Fassino, Secondo; and Abbate-Daga, Giovanni. “University courses, eating problems and muscle dysmorphia: are there any associations?” Journal of Translational Medicine, 2014. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Hayes, Olivia; Wu, Monica S.; De Nadai, Alessandro S.; and Storch, Eric A. “Orthorexia Nervosa: An Examination of the Prevalence, Correlates, and Associated Impairment in a University Sample.” Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2017. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Malmborg, Julia; Bremander, Ann; Olsson, M. Charlotte; and Berman, Stefan. “Health status, physical activity, and orthorexia nervosa: A comparison between exercise science students and business students.” Appetite, February 1, 2017. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Almeida, Carolina; Borba, Vånia Vieira; and Santos, Lèlita. “Orthorexia nervosa in a sample of Portugese fitness participants.” Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, August 2018. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Valera, Jesus Herranz; Ruiz, Patricia Acuña; Valdespino, Borja Romero; and Visioli, Francesco. “Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among ashtanga yoga practitioners: a pilot study.” Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, December 2014. Accessed April 11, 2019.

Koven, Nancy S. and Abry, Alexandra W. “The clinical basis of orthorexia nervosa: emerging perspectives.” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment2015. Accessed April 11, 2019.

National Eating Disorder Association. “Orthorexia.” Accessed April 11, 2019.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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