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Do I Have a Personality Disorder?

Personality disorders can present in a variety of ways, but there are certain patterns that typically emerge. This self-assessment can help you discover signs of a personality disorder.

What Personality Disorder Do I Have? Take a Mental Illness Test

Mental health challenges can be difficult to navigate, as different mental health diagnoses can come with similar symptoms. If you are just starting out on your journey toward learning more about your emotional health, it may help to take a general mental health quiz. This simple quiz should not serve as a diagnosis, but it can give you an idea of whether you have a specific mental health condition, which can be the first step toward finding treatment.

Personality disorders, a type of mental health diagnosis, involve a cluster of symptoms that can make interpersonal relationships difficult to navigate. A personality disorder quiz can help you determine whether your symptoms may indicate a personality disorder. Finding out more about your specific symptoms and needs can help you find treatment that most effectively addresses your situation.

Who Is This Personality Quiz For?

The personality disorder quiz is ideal if you experience certain symptoms or concerns that impact your quality of life. These include:

  • Feelings of intense loneliness or emptiness
  • Significant fear of abandonment in relationships
  • Distrust of others’ intentions toward you
  • Disconnection from others or urges to distance yourself from relationships
  • Feeling insufficiently appreciated or acknowledged by others
  • Lack of empathy for others’ experiences or pain
  • Patterns of interpersonal conflict in relationships with others
  • Chronic suicidal urges, thoughts or actions

Remember, a quiz cannot replace an assessment with a licensed mental health provider. If you take the quiz and find you have symptoms that indicate a potential diagnosis, reach out to a professional to learn more.

Please answer “yes” or “no” for each question.

Your assessment results will appear on the next page. Please enter your information to proceed to your results.


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