Statistics differ in prevalence and treatment of personality disorder clusters. Find out more information about risk factors, comorbidities and prognosis.
Personality disordersare characterized by fixed, enduring and extreme patterns of thoughts and behaviors that deviate from the expectations of society and cause significant amounts of impairment across several areas of a person’s life. All personality disorders are characterized by distorted thinking patterns, inappropriate emotional responses, lack of impulse control and social impairment. Personality disorders are categorized into three clusters in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5: cluster A, cluster B and cluster C. Cluster A personality disorders are described as “odd and eccentric,” cluster B as “dramatic and erratic” and cluster C as “anxious and fearful.”
Personality disorder statisticsreveal important information regarding prevalence, incidence of co-occurring conditions and suicidal and high-risk behaviors that are attributed to each of the personality disorders. They can also provide valuable information about risk factors, treatment and prognosis.
Prevalence of Personality Disorders
Theprevalence of personality disordersprovides approximations about how common each of the personality disorders are in various populations and geographical locations. Prevalence rates are important in understanding and researching effective treatment options.
- Thepercent of the population with a personality disorderis10–13%of the universal population
- It is estimated that9%of adults in the United States have at least one personality disorder
- Personality disorders are diagnosed in40–60%of psychiatric patients, rendering them the most common of all psychiatric diagnoses
- Traumatic childhood experiences, including abuse and neglect, have been recognized as risk factors that mayelevate the chancesthat an individual may develop a personality disorder.
- Studies estimate thatbetween 65–90%of people treated for a substance use disorder have at least one personality disorder.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)is characterized by an intense focus on details, organization and perfectionism that interferes with daily functioning.
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Obsessive-compulsive personality disorderstatistics showthat:
- OCPD impactsnearly 8 percentof the population
- The condition istwiceas prevalent in males than females.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Paranoid personality disorderis driven by the fear that others are going to manipulate, harm or take advantage of an individual. Because of these symptoms, the condition often results in social withdrawal, tenseness, irritability and lack of emotion.
Paranoid personality disorder statisticsin the that:
- Theprevalence of the condition in people receiving outpatient mental health treatment is2–10%
- Rates of paranoid personality disorder in a population of people in psychiatric inpatient facilities is10–30%
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial personality disorderis exemplified by a person who lacks consideration for right and wrong, has no regard for the rights of others, cannot show guilt or remorse and antagonizes and manipulates others.
Antisocial personality disorder statisticsshow that:
- Approximately3%of the United States population has the condition
- Approximately80%of individuals with antisocial personality disorder will have started to show symptoms by the age of 11
- Antisocial personality disorder occurs in0.2–3.3%of the general population at any given time
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Schizoid personality disorderis characterized by social detachment, a lack of interest in socializing and limitations in emotional expression.Schizoid personality disorder statisticsare difficult to find, as people with this personality disorder rarely seek treatment. However, available statistics suggest that between3–4%of the general population has the condition.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Avoidant personality disorderis exemplified by significant feelings of embarrassment, self-consciousness and inadequacy and challenges with relationships and social interactions. Individuals with this condition are extremely prone to criticism and disapproval from others.
Avoidant personality disorder statisticsdepict that:
- Approximately2.5%of the population meets the criteria for diagnosis
- Although40%of the population deals with shyness, the symptoms of avoidant personality disorder are much more intense than feelings of general shyness
Related Topic:Avoidant personality disorder treatment
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Histrionic personality disorderis defined by self-centeredness, exaggerated emotions, dramatic displays and irregular emotional states.Histrionic personality disorder statisticsshow that the condition occurs in approximately2.1%of the general population.
Related Topic:Histrionic personality disorder treatment
Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorderis characterized by an unstable sense of self and relationships, trouble controlling temper, risky behaviors and recurrent self-harm or suicidal ideation.
Borderline personalitystatistics showthat:
- About1.6%of the United States population has borderline personality disorder
- More than4 millionpeople have borderline personality disorder in the United States
- 75%of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are women
- People with BPD have anunusually high risk of suicide, with at least 75% of these individuals attempting suicide at least once in their lives and 10% eventually committing suicide
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic personality disorderis distinguished by a strong need for approval from others, lack of empathy, an inability to form meaningful interpersonal relationships and extreme attention-seeking behaviors.
Narcissistic personality disorder statisticsshow that:
- The condition is present in about0.5%of the United States population
- Between2–16%of those seeking help from a mental health professional will receive a narcissistic personality disorder diagnosis
- The condition isfound in6% of the forensic population, 20% of the military population and 17% of first-year medical students
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Dependent Personality Disorder
Dependent personality disorderis characterized by an inability to make decisions alone, a strong dependence on others, extreme sensitivity to criticism, low self-confidence and intense fear of abandonment.
Dependent personality disorderstatisticsshow that it is:
- Fewer than 1% of the U.S. population has this condition
- While some studies show that the condition is diagnosed more often in women, others suggest that the prevalence between men and women is similar
Personality Disorder Risk Factors
There are several risk factors that can make a person more susceptible to developing a personality disorder. While personality disorders do have a hereditary component, environmental factors can also contribute to their development. Some additionalpersonality disorder risk factorsinclude:
- Family history of mental illness
- Head injury
- Childhood abuse, neglect or trauma
- Disorganized or unstable childhood home environments
- Harsh or unpredictable discipline received as a child
- Sensitive temperament and high reactivity to stimuli
Related Topic:Do I have a personality disorder
Personality Disorders and Co-Occurring Conditions
The prevalence of personality disorders and other co-occurring conditions is fairly high. Personality disorders can co-occur with mental health conditions,substance abuse disordersor other personality disorders. It is unclear if one condition prompts the other, or if they originate from similar causes earlier in life. Comprehensive and simultaneoustreatment for personality disordersand co-occurring conditions is critical for positive treatment outcomes because co-occurring conditions can intensify the symptoms of a personality disorder.
Trauma and personality disordersare often linked together. Children who were abused, neglected or traumatized are at an elevated risk for developing a personality disorder, such as avoidant personality disorder. Bothborderline personality disorderandpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)result from trauma, and it’s estimated that anywhere from25–60%of people with borderline personality disorder also have PTSD.
Personality disorders and substance abuseare commonly comorbid conditions, as many people use substances to self-medicate the symptoms of their personality disorder. Studies show that65–90%of people receiving treatment for a substance use disorder have at least one personality disorder.
Additionally, comorbid personality disorderscan occur together simultaneously. Other individuals may display traits from other personality disorders without meeting the full diagnostic criteria.
Personality Disorders and Suicide
Research demonstrates that cluster B and cluster C personality disorders are often associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and actions. For example, theborderline personality disorder suicide rateis high, as impulsivity, poor emotional regulation and propensity towards self-harm converge simultaneously. Around75%of people with borderline personality disorder attempt suicide at least one time in their lives and10%are successful in their attempts.Avoidant personality disorder suiciderates are also high due to shame, self-loathing, isolation, and lack of close friendships and relationships.
Prognosis for Personality Disorders
Personality disorder prognosisis somewhat poor, as personality is generally rigid and fixed. Individuals are likely to maintain abnormal personality characteristics throughout their lifespan.Antisocial personality disorder prognosis,in particular, is poor, as people have low motivation for treatment and are often distrusting of help. However, aggressive and illegal behaviors tend to lessen with age.
Similarly,paranoid personality disorder treatmentprognosisis also poor due to resistance to treatment. However, some people with this personality disorder are able to maintain stable relationships and jobs and function fairly well, while others are incapacitated by the disorder.
Borderline personality disorder long term prognosisshows that it can go into remission with proper treatment, but the condition is chronic and must be managed throughout the lifespan.
Narcissistic personality disorder treatmentprognosisshows that individuals can make significant improvements in their relationships, achievements and coping mechanisms with appropriate forms of treatment.
Statistics on Personality Disorder Treatment
Personality disorder treatmentis extremely important as it relates to long-term prognosis and outcomes. While the rates of treatment success vary significantly depending on the disorder an individual has, professional care is almost always needed for people to experience any improvements in symptoms. This is particularly true if an individual has a co-occurring mental health condition, like addiction.
If you or a family member are struggling with addiction and a co-occurring personality disorder, The Recovery Village can provide assistance. Facilities arelocated across the countryfor your convenience.Reach outto a representative today for more information.