While little is known about the connection between rumination disorder and addiction, it’s clear that people must receive comprehensive treatment when both conditions are present.
Rumination disorderis an eating disorder that involves the routine regurgitation of food, which may cause a person to avoid social interactions. This isolation can put people at a higher risk for alcohol or drug abuse. However, because the true prevalence of rumination disorder is unknown, the rate ofsubstance abusein this population is also unclear.
As educational efforts improve and more people become aware of the condition, individuals with rumination disorder may come forth more readily and seek treatment. For instance, as awareness increased for othereating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia, more treatment options became available. Data shows that individuals with eating disorders have a higher risk of comorbid substance abuse disorders. In some cases, the risk isfive timeshigher than the general population.
Effects of Drug Use on Rumination Disorder
Drug use is likely to have an adverse impact on rumination disorder, primarily due to the effects that drugs and alcohol have on gastrointestinal (GI) motility and esophageal muscle tone. Alcohol, in particular, has a high risk ofincreasing GI motilityand further relaxing esophageal tone, which can worsen rumination disorder or make it more difficult to control.
Statistics on Rumination Disorder and Addiction
Relatively little is known about the rate of addiction and rumination disorder, primarily because the actual incidence of rumination disorder is unknown. Many people with rumination disorder have other developmental problems that require supervision or institutionalization. Because of this, it is highly unlikely that these individuals would have access to any drugs or alcohol for recreational purposes or abuse.
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Treating Rumination Disorder and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder
When rumination disorder is present at the same time as a substance use disorder,treating rumination disorderis the first step in recovery. Behavioral treatment strategies for addressing this condition may include:
- Habit-reversal with relaxation
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Special feeding techniques
- Reinforcing other behaviors
- Hypnosis and relaxation techniques
- Guided imagery
- Stress management
- Gum chewing
- Sipping water between bites of food
Once rumination disorder is under control, substance abuse disorders must be treated in traditional recovery centers where the conditions can be managed concurrently. If you or a loved one are ready to receive treatment for addiction, The Recovery Village can help.Reach outto a representative today for more information or to get started.