The “I Am Meth” poem describes the many physical, mental and social effects of meth, helping readers understand just how harmful the drug can be.
Problems surroundingmeth abuse and addictioncontinue to grow in cities and towns across the United States. The drug’s ravaging effects are gaining national attention as well, often through stories and first-hand accounts of meth addiction.
Perhaps no other story has captured the destruction of meth quite as well as the “I Am Meth” poem. The “I Am Meth” story is a gripping poem about the reality of crystal meth. Rumors circulating on the internet say it was written by a teen girl who was in jail on drug charges and wanted to share her story. According to the rumors surrounding her crystal meth poem, she was released from jail but remained addicted to the drug and ultimately died as a result of her addiction.
The crystal meth poem starts with the following:
I destroy homes, I tear families apart.
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I take your children, and that’s just the start.
I’m more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold.
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
The poem then speaks about how easily meth can be found and how it affects people from all walks of life — even those you’d least expect. It does an excellent job of showing the very real power and hold meth can have over those who are addicted to it, describing that it will “own your soul” and make you act in ways you never would otherwise.
The “I Am Meth” poem also illustrates how people struggling with meth addiction will lie, cheat, steal and do everything possible to get more of the drug. Ultimately, people will lose everything, including their health, home, family, friends and money.
The poem goes on to describe what happens not just to your life, but to your brain and your body as well. It tells of how meth will control your mind and your soul, bring you nightmares and essentially become the master of all that you do.
It can be a raw, painful poem to read, but it’s one that so clearly describes what actual meth addicts say their experiences and struggles are like.
Meth Madness
It’s not just the poem that underscores what happens with meth addiction. There are countless stories and warnings not just from medical professionals and addiction specialists, but those who lived through it themselves.
Methis an amphetamine drug commonly known as speed, meth, ice, crank and crystal. It’s a synthetic stimulant that’s classified under the same drug category as cocaine, but it can be even more damaging to the user.
Meth can be injected, snorted or smoked, and people who use the drug will often go on binges. This can cause them to stay awake for days or even weeks at a time, and it puts a tremendous amount of stress on their nervous and cardiovascular systems. People who are on meth also tend to suffer from many mental issues,such ashallucinations, delusions and paranoid behavior.
Meth changes how the neurotransmitters in your brain function; when you use the drug, your brain can no longer naturally regulate dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for everything from basic motor functionality to the control of emotions. As someone continues to use crystal meth, theymay becomeunable to control their bodily movements or even make sense when they speak.
Their brain will work differently, which can continue even after the person stops using the drug. Many people who use meth don’t just lose money, jobs, friends and family — they also have memory and emotion problems as well as reduced cognitive function.
Other long-term side effects of meth that are highlighted in the crystal meth poem as well as in research and other stories include:
- Early aging, both inmental functionand appearance
- Overall brain damage
- Cardiovascular problems
The “I Am Meth” poem shines a light on the experiences of people who are gripped by an addiction to this drug, and it can help people understand just how dangerous crystal meth can be.
If you or someone you love is struggling with methamphetamine abuse or addiction, professional help is available. The Recovery Village provides a full continuum of care that can address the underlying causes of meth addiction and treat co-occurring conditions like depression and anxiety.Reach outto one of our knowledgeable representatives today to learn how you can start on your path to recovery.