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How Long Does Onfi (Clobazam) Stay in Your System?

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Onfi (Clobazam) Dosages

Onfi is abenzodiazepine drugthat is primarily prescribed to treat epilepsy and seizures. Like other benzodiazepines, Onfi (also known as clobazam in its generic form), is not as a long-term treatment. It’s not a daily medication. Benzodiazepines are only prescribed in the short term because addiction and dependence can occur after taking these drugs for a long time. The risk ofOnfi addictionor dependence increases the longer someone uses prescription benzodiazepines. Classified as an anticonvulsant, Onfi is primarily used to control seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Onfi is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. When someone is prescribed this medication, it’s important to follow dosage instructions carefully. Dosage is typically based on body weight -as are the number of doses taken in a day and the time between doses. Since Onfi is a CNS depressant, common side effects include drowsiness, shakiness and impaired coordination.

How Long Does Onfi (Clobazam) Stay in Your System?

How long does Onfi stay in your system? People may want to know the answer to this question for a number of different reasons. Some people may want to know how long Onfi stays in the system in order to anticipate when they should take the next dose. People may also want to know this information if they have an upcoming drug test. Or, people may want to know how long Onfi stays in the system to reduce the risk of overdose. Certain benzodiazepines can stay in the system for long periods of time. If someone still has a benzodiazepine in their system and they use another central nervous system depressant, such as an opioid, it could cause respiratory depression or an overdose. Additionally, if someone is dependent upon Onfi, knowing how long it remains in the system can help them know when withdrawal symptoms might begin.

Even though Onfi has a relatively fast onset of action, it is considered to be a long-acting benzodiazepine. It can take anywhere from a half-hour to two hours for the concentration of Onfi to peak in the blood when an oral suspension is used. With the tablet form of Onfi, peak concentration levels can occur anywhere from a half-hour to four hours later. The effects of Onfi can last anywhere from five to nine days.

The half-life elimination time for children who take Onfi is around 16 hours. For adults, it’s between 36 and 42 hours. There is also a metabolite left behind by Onfi that has a half-life of up to 82 hours. Due to the extended action of the drug, Onfi can show up on drug screens for an extended period of time. Any drug with such a long-lasting presence also accumulates in the body. If someone has taken Onfi several times in a relatively short period, they could have a significant accumulation of the drug in their body. This could increase their risk of an overdose.

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Certain individual factors can play a role in how long something like Onfi stays in the system as well. For example, people with hepatic impairments should take lower doses, based on their doctor’s recommendations. This is because Onfi is mostly metabolized in the liver. The age of the individual is another factor that affects how long Onfi stays in the system. Often, elderly patients are advised to take lower doses of any benzodiazepine, including Onfi.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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