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The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol & Pentazocine

What Is Pentazocine?

Pentazocine is aprescription opioid drugthat is prescribed for pain ranging from moderate to severe. Pentazocine is classified as an opioid, and opioids are also described as narcotics. Since pentazocine is classified as an opioid analgesic, it works to alleviate pain by acting on the brain and central nervous system. Pentazocine is a generic drug, and it’s available in brand-name variations, which are typically combined with naloxone. Naloxone is a generic drug that blocks the effects of opioids. If someone takes a pentazocine tablet as prescribed by mouth, the naloxone would have no effect. If someone tries to break the tablet to snort or crush the drug and get high from it or misuse it recreationally, the naloxone would become effective and prevent the person from feeling high. Pentazocine has a ceiling effect, which can prevent misuse as well. If someone takes beyond a certain threshold of this drug, it will cease to have pain relieving or euphoric effects.

While there are certain protections built into medications with pentazocine to avoid misuse, it’s still possible this drug could become habit-forming. It’s also possible that someone could becomedependent on pentazocine. When someone is potentially going to be prescribed pentazocine, their doctor should be made aware of any history they could have of substance misuse, including alcohol, prescription drugs or street drugs.

Mixing Alcohol And Pentazocine

There are different reasons someone mightmix alcohol and pentazocine. Alcohol is a commonly used substance in the U.S., so someone could inadvertently mix alcohol and pentazocine without thinking about it. Someone might also mix alcohol and pentazocine to enhance the effects of each substance purposely and feel higher or intoxicated. In either situation, it can be dangerous. There is a warning issued with pentazocine and the potential interaction it can have with alcohol. Some of the side effects that can occur when mixing alcohol and pentazocine can include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Concentration problems
  • Lightheadedness
  • Impaired thinking
  • Impaired judgment
  • Problems with memories or blackouts

These symptoms are common, but severe symptoms are also possible when mixing alcohol and pentazocine. Both alcohol and pentazocine are central nervous system depressants, which is why side effects can be dangerous. Severe possible effects of mixing alcohol and pentazocine can include low blood pressure, fainting, respiratory distress, coma or death. When someone mixes alcohol and an opioid like pentazocine, the alcohol increases the concentration of the medication in the blood. That’s what can potentially lead to respiratory distress, depression or anoverdose.

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Summing Up Side Effects, Interactions And Blackouts Of Mixing Alcohol And Pentazocine

Both alcohol and pentazocine are central nervous system depressants. Combining them can increase the common side effects of each and cause a higher level of intoxication than would normally be experienced. Beyond that, mixing alcohol and pentazocine can cause respiratory depression, coma or death. These substances should never be mixed. If someone is regularly mixing alcohol and pentazocine to increase the effects of each substance, they may require addiction treatment. When multiple simultaneous substances are being misused, this should be addressed during treatment with specialized care.

To learn more about addiction treatment and the options that may be available, callThe Recovery Villagetoday. Our team is here anytime you’re ready.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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