Addiction & Mental Health Webinars

The Recovery Village offers online educational opportunities to help medical professionals and community members stay up to date with the latest advancements in addiction and behavioral health treatments. Our webinars contain valuable insight on addiction and mental health topics to share with colleagues, patients, family and friends.

the cover of the book community education series.
Love As You Are- Speed Journaling Experience

Participants will engage in a guided speed journaling experience, in which they will reflect on past or current romantic relationships from a self- love perspective. In other words, understanding the way I love myself, helps me understand the way I love others.

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a blue and white cover.
Anxiety in High Achievers

This 1 hour session will include a discussion about how anxiety and high stress levels impact us in the short and long term, with a focus on high achieving people and unique ways that anxiety impacts them.

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a blue and white cover.
Effectively Managing Multiple Roles

In this presentation, you will learn, through mindfulness, a helpful mindset switch that will help you effectively manage multiple roles without feeling overwhelmed or guilty about having to do it all.

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the cover of the book community education series.
Goal Setting and Motivation

We will continue from our last session on how to properly set and obtain our goals, big and small. We will also discuss how to stay highly motivated and driven towards goal achievement.

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a blue and white cover.
Children with Depression-Workshop for Supporters

This workshop will help break down commonly asked questions by families regarding depression in youth, symptom distinction between GAD and MDD with children, holistic approaches to treatment, and additional resources for navigating collaborative work with young clients.

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the cover of the book community education series.
What is your EQ?

Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. It helps improve communication, management, problem-solving, and relationships within the workplace.

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the cover of the book community education series.
An Introduction to Suicide Prevention

The presentation will take a look at the growing problem of suicide and discuss why people hesitate to intervene and hesitate to ask for help. Michael Crisanto, community outreach specialist at Advanced Recovery Systems, introduces the basics of QPR (question, persuade, refer) and explains the importance of suicide awareness and how to address the issue with a loved one or friend.

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the cover of the book community education series.
The 5 Love Languages

1-Hour Power Point Presentation with Introduction of Topic, 5 Love Language Self-Assessment Questionnaire, and Discussion of Finding Participants' primary love languages and how to use this information in relationships.

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the cover of the book community education series.
Coping with Loss and Grief

The webinar is attended for individuals who are curious to learn more about grief and how to support individuals who are moving though the grief process.

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the cover of the book community education series.
Introduction to Ayurveda

The presentation is aimed at an audience that wants to understand the ancient practice of Ayurveda- simply- Knowledge of Life, that has been practiced in India for 1000's of years.

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the cover of the book community education series.
Forming Habits Through Motivation

We will learn how to create intrinsic motivation that will impact how one sets and accomplishes goals in their lives.  We'll also  go in-depth in to how to properly set and accomplish goals and even how to help someone (even yourself) to create an intrinsic goal.  Lastly, we will discuss how to motivate others as well even motivate oneself.  

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