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AUDIT Alcohol Assessment Screening Quiz

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is an alcohol assessment tool created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to assess alcohol consumption, drinking behaviors, and alcohol-related problems.

AUDIT Assessment History

The AUDIT screening tool is a 10-question test that was first developed in 1989 and updated in 1992. It was created to assess drinking habits, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related issues.

The AUDIT tool has been used successfully with many populations, including:

  •  Men and women
  •  Various age groups
  •  A variety of ethnicities and minority groups
  •  College students

There is also a shortened version called the AUDIT-C, which can be used in a doctor’s office. AUDIT has been proven by various studies to be reliable and valid in detecting alcohol-related concerns.

What the AUDIT Assessment Reveals

After various studies, the AUDIT alcohol assessment questions were found to effectively gauge alcohol dependence severity. The more alcohol-related problems a person has, the higher their AUDIT score will be.

The assessment ranks high in specificity and sensitivity indicators, making it a reliable screening tool for problematic alcohol use. Information obtained from the AUDIT assessment is helpful for:

  • Identifying hazardous drinking patterns
  • Developing effective treatment plans
  • Determining safety measures for detoxing
  • Understanding alcohol-related risks

The AUDIT assessment is brief and easy to use, making it an ideal tool for doctors, mental health clinicians and individuals.

Scoring the AUDIT Alcohol Assessment

Scoring an AUDIT assessment is simple and can offer useful guidance regarding alcohol treatment. Each response to the AUDIT is based on a point scale that ranges from zero to four.

Higher scores indicate the likelihood of alcohol use disorder. A score of eight or more in men and seven in women indicates a high probability of dangerous alcohol consumption. A score of 15 or more suggests alcohol dependence, which generally includes physiological and psychological alcohol addiction.

The results of the AUDIT alcohol test should not be seen as an official diagnosis. Instead, it’s only intended to be the first step in detecting an alcohol use disorder. If you or a loved one is concerned about alcohol use, reach out to The Recovery Village today to learn how we can help. Our trained professionals are ready to support you and provide evidence-based treatment that guides you throughout your recovery journey.

This assessment was created by the World Health Organization (WHO). It was developed for use in medical and treatment settings but is widely used by non-professionals as a self-assessment tool for alcohol use patterns. AUDIT should not be considered a final diagnosis, but it can be your first step in determining whether your drinking habits are a reason for concern. Please consult a medical professional if the AUDIT screening test reveals a possible alcohol addiction.

Select the response that best describes your answer to each question. Your answers will remain confidential, so please be honest.

You have completed all of the AUDIT questions.

Click the Submit button below to view your results.

Today, there are more options than ever for people seeking freedom from the disease of alcoholism. If you, or a loved one, are struggling with alcohol abuse, it’s never been a better time to take advantage of the latest innovations in treatment.

Call for a free assessment 352.771.2700

This self-assessment should not be considered as a final diagnosis but can be your first step in determining whether your drinking habits are cause for concern. Please consult a medical professional if this self-screening indicates a likelihood for addiction.


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