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We asked our alumni to share their recovery stories and empower others to seek treatment for addiction and mental health.
How did our alumni know they needed help?
Realizing the need for help is the first step of your journey to recovery.
Our alumni decided to embark on their own healing journeys and change their lives forever.
“I recognized that my addiction was out of control when it started interfering with my job, my social life, and my personal life. Although I did not realize at the time I did go to treatment, my health was at risk as well.”
“I hit rock bottom. I woke up in the hospital after being in a coma for over two days. This time I came to the realization that this disease is life or death. By coming so close to death, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to live. I wanted to be happy again. Only sobriety could make me myself again.”
“My mother had just passed and my drinking and depression became uncontrollable. Between the insomnia and hand tremors, I knew I needed help. This was the closest facility with the highest ratings and had more programs to offer than regular inpatient or outpatient.”
“I was using alcohol to mask issues and self-medicate but pretty soon my life began to spiral out of control to the point where I almost lost the people I love the most. I woke up in a hospital not knowing how I got there or what day it was. Seeing the sadness and disappointment on my wife’s face and the confusion from my children shook me to my core. It was then that I realized my life had become unmanageable and that I needed help.”
“I realized I needed treatment when I didn’t want to die, but I didn’t want to live anymore. Not the life I was living anyway. Now, I am still sober, continuing outpatient treatment, living in sober housing, reconnecting with my wife, family and friends… Just living a happier, healthier life that I couldn’t have imagined before RVR.”
“The hardest part of the journey is admitting you need help! Speaking for myself, I was always too proud and too concerned that others might view me as weak if I sought mental health treatment. My biggest regret is waiting until I was 47.”
We can help you overcome your addiction. Our staff is ready and waiting to talk with you now. Take your first step toward freedom today.
Here is what our alumni want to tell you.
Our alumni realize that getting help from professionals and forming connections with their peers made a positive difference in their ability to prevent relapse effectively.
The most helpful part about treatment is connecting with like-minded people, being in a safe environment, and how much I learned about the brain, body, and addiction.
— Katie Brennan, The Recovery Village Palmer Lake (CO)
I would be what most would consider a chronic relapser. With one of the counselors, we really looked in-depth at each of my relapses over the years. I identified 3 big red flags. These 3 red flags today are things I know will lead me to a relapse and I know if I intervene at those points, the path to relapse is stopped. It has REALLY strengthened my recovery.
— Chris Groves, The Recovery Village Columbus (OH)
The stories and conversations with my peers who were dealing with similar situations and struggles. We all were able to lean on each other to make the healing process less stressful.
— Stephen Simonson, IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery (MD)
My self image is much better. I no longer look at myself as just an addict that will never be anything else. Now I understand that I am a complex person who happens to have addictive tendencies.
— Ryan Scott, The Recovery Village at Baptist Health (FL)
The staff. Especially Mel Timberlake and my therapist Nadine. Mel has an amazing story and against all odds he came back from near death and decided to become a counselor to help people with the same disease he has struggled with. I believe Mel found his calling and is doing exactly what he was meant to do in life. Mel, Nadine, and the rest of the staff at RVC saved my life and I am forever grateful for them showing me that happiness and recovery is possible for anyone who wants to achieve it.
— Cole Piché, The Recovery Village Columbus (OH)
The most helpful things about treatment was the overall structured programming. From wake up calls, group sessions, and levels of care. The breaking down of my outside life norms and being guided to follow protocols and procedures; all of which I came to understand were for my success in recovery.
— Tamitra Quiles, The Recovery Village Umatilla (FL)
I cannot emphasize enough how influential and inspirational the staff at RVR were during my time there. Treatment is not pretty, easy, or comfortable in any way. Being surrounded by staff who are building you up and rooting for your success on a daily basis, in addition to the clinicians’ varying perspectives on what recovery can look like, is unbelievably empowering. My advice as someone who does not feel comfortable or trusting in the company of strangers, is to trust the staff and faculty. From my personal experience, I can honestly say that I left RVR a new person with a new identity who I cherish to this day.
— Grace LaFortune, The Recovery Village Ridgefield (WA)
“Being able to wake up every day without being sick, seeing my family and friends see my progress, not having to lie and hide my alcoholism, spending time with my son, and giving me a structural routine and learning how to love myself again.”
“Today, I don’t feel like I’m holding onto a cliff, waiting to fall off into relapse. I’m a good worker, friend, brother and son again.”
“I have a firm grip on my sobriety. I feel like I am in complete control. I still do outpatient therapy through The Recovery Village to stay focused.”
“Night and day – it seemed like I have been asleep many years then woke up seeing life for the first time.”
“I have a much calmer and patient mind.”
“After getting my life-changing treatment, I can now be home with a clear feeling in my brain, and not have to worry about if I will live through the day.”
IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery (MD)
We’re available to answer questions, confirm your insurance benefits and schedule personalized treatment that works for you.
The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.
Our state-specific resource guides offer a comprehensive overview of drug and alcohol addiction treatment options available in your area.