The consequences of teen alcohol abuse can be significant and include drunk driving, sexual assault, alcohol poisoning and delayed brain development.
Teen drinkingcan have serious consequences, and unfortunately,teen alcohol abuseis not uncommon. Teens may drink because of boredom orpeer pressure, butteen drinkingis preventable. The facts surroundingteens and alcoholcan provide parents with information about warning signs and how they can help their teens avoid the consequences associated with underage drinking.
Underage Drinking Facts and Statistics
According tounderage drinking statisticsreported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),30%of high schoolers consumed alcohol in the past month. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has also reported that approximatelyone-thirdof teenagers have consumed one or more alcoholic drinks by the time they turn 15.
Youth who drink before the age of 15 areat risk of significant consequences, according toexperts. The research shows that young adolescents who consume alcohol are more likely to demonstrate suicidal behaviors; they are also more likely to have sex and to engage in risky sexual acts, such as having multiple partners. Those who consume alcohol by age 14 or earlier are also more likely to struggle with alcoholdependencelater in life.
Binge Drinking
Binge drinking statisticsshow thatbinge drinking among teensis a concern. According to theresearch, 14% ofhigh school studentsare active binge drinkers. Among adolescents who consume alcohol, 90% of alcohol consumption is in the form of binge drinking. Furthermore, those who drink underage consume larger quantities of alcohol in one sitting when compared to adults.
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For teenagers, binge drinking can bedefinedas consuming four or more drinks during a two-hour period for girls and five or more drinks for boys. Since the majority ofteen drinkingoccurs as binge drinking, it appears that teenagers are not simply experimenting with a few sips of alcohol; instead, they are consuming multiple alcoholic beverages and becoming intoxicated.
Related:Teen Drinking Facts and Statistics
Teen Alcohol Access
Havingeasy access to alcoholcan contribute to underage drinking. In anational survey,54% of 8th graders, 71% of 10th graders and 86% of 12th graders reported that it would be fairly or very easy for them to obtain alcohol.
Teen alcoholaccesscan occur in several ways. According to onestudy, teens may access alcohol when parents provide it on vacation or special occasions. It is also common for teens to have a friend or sibling of legal drinking age purchase alcohol for them. Some teens even report that their parents will buy alcohol for them to consume.
Teens can also obtain alcohol through the use offake IDs. In addition, some adolescents resort tostealingalcohol, either from parents or from stores. Some adolescents also go to local stores that will sell to underage customers or befriend store clerks to convince them to sell to teens.
Dangers of Teen Drinking
Binge drinking is dangerous regardless of a person’s age, but theeffects of alcohol on teenscan be especially devastating.Teens who drink are at risk ofa number of negative outcomes, ranging from brain damage to death.
Some of the most commonrisks of underage drinkinginclude:
- Brain Development:The teenage years are a critical period for brain development, and theeffects of alcohol on theteen braincan stall this development. During adolescence, anarea of the braincalled the amygdala, which is responsible for fear and emotions, develops first, whereas the frontal cortex, involved in rational decision-making, develops later. Teenage alcohol use can have a negative impact on brain development and lead to increased impulsive, irrational behavior.
- Sexual Assault:Alcohol and sexual assaultcommonly occur together in teenagers, withexpertsreporting that teens who drink are more likely to perpetrate or become victim to sexual assault when under the influence, compared to those who do not consume alcohol.
- Drunk Driving:Teendrunk drivingis another consequence of underage drinking, withresearchshowing that 10% of high schoolers aged 16 and older drink and drive.
- Death:Underage drinking deathscan be attributed to drinking and driving, asexpertsreport that the risk of death from a car crash is 17 times higher among underage drinkers with a blood alcohol level of .08 compared to those with no alcohol in their systems.Teen alcohol poisoningcan also be a cause of death, withstatisticsshowing that there are about 113 alcohol poisoning deaths per year among Americans aged 15–24.
- Alcoholism:Teen alcohol abusecan also lead to alcoholism among this age group. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,623,000youth between the ages of 12 and 17 have an alcohol use disorder, with girls and boys being equally affected.
Alcohol poisoningcan be fatal. If you suspect someone is experiencing alcohol poisoning, call911immediately. Do NOT be afraid to seek help.If you do not have access to a phone contactWeb Poison Control Servicesfor online assistance.
Signs of Teenage Alcohol Abuse
Signs of teenage alcohol abuse can include problems at school or at home. According toexperts, teens who engage in underage drinking may act rebelliously or begin spending time with new groups of friends. They may also demonstrate mood swings and be irritable and angry. A teen who is abusing alcohol may become detached from the family, struggle academically or begin to lose interest in previously enjoyed activities, such as sports and clubs. Teens who drink may also get in trouble at school or appear tired and sluggish. Any significant changes in behavior could be a sign of a problem.
There are other, more obvious signs that a teen is abusing alcohol. These could include the presence of alcohol or empty alcohol containers among a teen’s belongings. A teen who is under the influence of alcohol may appear to be confused, slur their speech, have bloodshot eyes, or find it difficult to stay steady on their feet. There may also be a noticeable odor of alcohol on their breath.
Does My Teen Need Alcohol Rehab?
Adolescents who abuse alcohol may develop an alcohol use disorder and requireteen alcohol treatment. Signs that a teen isstrugglingwith an alcohol use disorder include continuing to use alcohol despite consequences at home or school, using more alcohol than intended, being unable to cut back on alcohol use and spending a significant amount of time sick as a result of alcohol abuse.
Teenagers who are abusing alcohol may also showalcohol withdrawal symptomswhen they aren’t drinking, or they may find that they need to drink more and more to achieve the same effects. In addition, they may drink to the point of putting themselves in danger, such as becoming drunk and then driving home.
If your teen is displaying one or more of these symptoms, he or she may have an alcohol use disorder that requiresteen alcohol rehab.A substance abuse professional can perform an assessment and determine the extent of the problem and what type of treatment is necessary.
If you are concerned about your teen’s drinking, The Recovery Village has a team of caring professionals ready to answer your questions and provide information about resources and treatment services.Contact a representativetoday to learn more aboutalcohol recovery.