Teen drinking is associated with drunk driving, harm to the developing brain, and later alcohol dependence. Allowing teens to drink at home can increase risks.
Parents may be concerned aboutteen drinking, and for valid reasons. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, one-third of 15-year-old teens have had at least one alcoholic beverage. Letting your teen drink at home can lead to alcoholism later in life, as well as pose dangerous teen driving risks and underdevelopment of the brain.
Some parents feel that allowing teens to consume alcohol at home can reduce the risks associated with underage drinking. However, there are harmful consequences that can have long-lasting effects and may not all be immediately noticeable.
Lead By Example
Parents who consume alcohol in moderation and follow safe drinking practices—such as using a designated driver if they are going out for drinks—set a positive example for their teens. On the other hand, parents who allow teens to drink at home are sending the message that it is okay to break the law.
Parents may feel that they are preventing unsafe habits, like drunk driving, by allowing their teens to consume alcohol at home, butteen drinking statisticsshow that this remains a dangerous practice. Onestudyfound that teens whose parents give them alcohol at home are:
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- 2.58 times more likely to binge drink
- 2.51 times more likely to demonstrate symptoms of an alcohol use disorder
- 2.53 times more likely to suffer from harm related to alcohol
Early Teen Drinking Leads to Later Alcoholism
Binge drinking among teenscan have lasting consequences. According tostudies, youth who begin consuming alcohol prior to age 15 are four times more likely to suffer from alcohol dependence during their lifetime. This is because alcohol use, especially among young, heavy drinkers, can produce cognitive deficits that increase susceptibility to alcohol dependence.
Areview of the researchonteens and drinkingalso demonstrates that adolescent alcohol use is associated with alcohol-related problems later in life. Teens who drink more between the ages of 15 and 19 tend to continue drinking as they become adults and are more likely to become dependent upon alcohol.
Teen Drinking and Driving Risks
Teen drinking and drivingis another serious risk associated with underage alcohol consumption.Teen drinking and driving statisticsshowthat every year, alcohol causes 1,580 deaths due to car crashes in underage drinkers. According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),a survey ofhigh school studentsshows that 10% of those who are of driving age report recently driving a vehicle on at least one occasion after consuming alcohol.
Researchalso shows that those who begin drinking at younger ages are more likely to indicate that they havedriven drunkor have been involved in a car wreck as a result of alcohol. Parents who allow teens to drink alcohol at home may actually be increasing the risk that they will drive while under the influence of alcohol.
Teen Drinking is Harmful to the Underage Brain
Beyond increasing the risk for alcohol-related problems and driving under the influence, allowing teens to drink at home can harm their brain development. According toexperts,teenage brains are undergoing significant changes in structure, which can make them more sensitive to the harmful effects of alcohol. For instance, alcohol may be especially damaging to areas of the brain associated with learning and memory among teens.
Teens who drink are at risk ofexperiencing difficulties such as recalling phone numbers or events. They may also find it more challenging to learn new information, which can cause problems at school. Parents who allow adolescents to drink at home are exposing their teens to alcohol’s harmful effects on brain development.
If your teen is abusing alcohol and is in need of treatment, The Recovery Village has a team of caring staff ready to answer your questions about teenage rehab. Reach out to ouradmissionsteam today to learn more.